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UGC NET Question Paper 24 Oct. to 5 Nov  Solved 

UGC NET 2020 Library and Information Science Solved Question Paper with Answers Proven Part 2

STEPS TO ATTEMPT UGC NET 2020 Library and Information Science Solved Question Paper with Answers Part 2

Note: UGC NET Question Paper 24 Oct. to 5 Nov 2020 Solved 

  1. The total number of questions is 20.
  2. Every question given four options, one is right and three others are wrong answers.
  3. Choose the correct option and solve each question.
  4. The submit button is below the last question, after attempting all questions please click on the submit button.
  5. The final result is shown on the display screen, check your answers.
  6. If any query regarding this quiz, Please comment on it.

Welcome to your UGC NET 2020 Library and Information Science Solved Question Paper with Answers Part 1

Identity the online tools for cataloguing books:

A. LibraryThing
B. Good Reads
C. Scoop
D. Reddit

Which one of the following is the element of he marketing mix?

Arrange in Sequnece, the steps involved in the Newark Charging System

A. Book and Membership cards are handed over to the borrower while the book card is kept in the charging tray
B. Putting date stamp on the borrower card after taking it out from the book
C. Books are presented to counter assistant along with membership card
D. Membership number of the borrower is put opposite to the due date

Match List I with List II

Which of the following are components of the knowledge pentagon as defined by the National knowledge commission (2006-2009)

A. Creation of Knowledge
B. Knowledge Organization 
C. Knowledge Management
D. Knowledge Application

What is ORCID?

Arrange in sequnce, the following major phases involved in a case study

A. Diagnosis and identification of causal factors as a basis for the development treatment
B. Recognition and determination of the statues of the phenomenon
C. Collection of Data, the examination of the given phenomenon
D. Application of remedial measures

Match List I with List II

List I

List II

Content Management Software


A. Joomla

I. Dreis Buytaert

B. Drupal

II. Hubert Burda media

C. Thunder

III. Open Source Matters

D. Textpattern

IV. Dean Allen

"Podcast" Means

Which of the following are formal experimental designs?

A.Randomized block design
B. Latin Square Desing
C. Before and after without control design
D. Factorial Design

From the following identify the non-parametric tests of hypotheses

A. Chi-Square test
B. F-test
C. Signed Rank Test
D. Rank Sum Test

The first public version of the content management system 'Ghost' was released with which one the following names?

Which of the following are e-PG Pathshala modules?

B. e-Guru
C. e-Pathya
D. e-Adhyayan

Given Below are two statements one is labelled as Assertion A and other one labelled as Reason R

Assertion A: The organizers of a public musical performance have to obtain permission from the composer for the sound recording used

Reason R: It is necessary to obtain the licences from each and every right owner in the sound recording prior to such a performance in public 

Studies that are longitudinal and prospective in nature and collect informaiton from the same respondents are known as

Who has developed the Geneva Declaration of Principles?

From the following, identify the system/Networks that came into existence in 1982


Which of the following are human sources of information ?

A. Patent attorneys
B. Database Vendors
C. Library Consultants
D. Press and Media

Identify fifth-generation programming languages from the following

A. Java
B. Mercury and OPS5

What is Entrez?

UGC NET 2020 Question Paper 24 Oct. to 5 Nov  Solved 

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UGC NET 2020 Library and Information Science Solved Question Paper with Answers Proven Part 2

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