LIS Question Paper 2018 Solved
circuit switching
2.Identify the penalty in case plagiarism at 'Level 2' in Academic and Research Publications as per UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Education Institutions)Regulations, 2018:
Shall be denied a right to one annual increment
3. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) Web Portal (i) Personal login and single access point
(b) Website (ii) Enables user to see aggregated data form multiple applications
(c) Vertical Web portal (iii) No login required
(d) Horizontal Web portal (iv) Focus on a specific applications or business function enableing users to see, edit and contribute
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) Web Portal (i) Personal login and single access point
(b) Website (ii) Enables user to see aggregated data form multiple applications
(c) Vertical Web portal (iii) No login required
(d) Horizontal Web portal (iv) Focus on a specific applications or business function enableing users to see, edit and contribute
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
4.'A number in DDC without menaing in itself, but used to introduce examples of the topic' is known as
Hook number
5.The bit number as defined in IP Address in Internet Protocol version 4 is
6.Arrange the following meta search engines in ascending order according to their year of launching:,
A. SeerX
B. Skyscanner
C. Kayak
D. Metacrawler
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. SeerX
B. Skyscanner
C. Kayak
D. Metacrawler
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(d), (b),(c),(a)
7. Identify the persons NOT associated with the development of UDC:
a) S.R. Ranganathan
b) Paul Otlet
c)H.E. Bliss
d) Henry La Fontaine
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
a) S.R. Ranganathan
b) Paul Otlet
c)H.E. Bliss
d) Henry La Fontaine
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a) and (c) are correct
8.In which year 'Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language' was published?
9.According to UDC Scheme (Abridged English 3rd Edition) symbol '=' in table of auxiliaries indicates
common auxilliaries of language
10.Who is the author of the book entitled, The Third Wave?
Alvin Toffler
11. Identify the key salient features of 'Private Library' from the following:
a)A library gives access to general public
b) A library belonging to an individual
c)A library not supported by taxation
d) A library having statutory support
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
a)A library gives access to general public
b) A library belonging to an individual
c)A library not supported by taxation
d) A library having statutory support
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(b) and (c) are correct
12.A design that seeks to control conditions within which persons are observed and analyzed is known as
experimental design
13.Which of the following are the parts of MARC record structure?
A. Check digit
B. Leader
C. Directory
D. Record terminator
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Check digit
B. Leader
C. Directory
D. Record terminator
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(b), (c),and(d)
14. Which of the following are the standards for encoding records?
ii) SGML
iv) MARC 21
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
ii) SGML
iv) MARC 21
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(i),(ii) and (iv)
15.ZOTERO is a
bibliographic reference management tool
16.Identify the characterstics of 'fugitive material' from the following:
A. Material printed in limited quantities
B. Material having perpetual value
C. Usually of immediate interest at the time of publication
D. Material not related to any programme or processed publication
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Material printed in limited quantities
B. Material having perpetual value
C. Usually of immediate interest at the time of publication
D. Material not related to any programme or processed publication
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
17. Arrange the following states in ascending order of the year of enactment of their respective Public Library acts:
a)Arunachal Pradesh
b) Uttar Pradesh
d) Orissa
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
a)Arunachal Pradesh
b) Uttar Pradesh
d) Orissa
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
18. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a)Cost effectiveness (i) Cost of product service rendered by organisation
(b) Cost-benefit analysis (ii) Determined by dividing the allotted cost of subsytem by its actual number of operations
(c) Cost analysis (iii) Relationship between the benefits of product service and cost of providing it
(d) Unit cost (iv) Relationship between level of performance and the cost involved in achieving the level
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a)Cost effectiveness (i) Cost of product service rendered by organisation
(b) Cost-benefit analysis (ii) Determined by dividing the allotted cost of subsytem by its actual number of operations
(c) Cost analysis (iii) Relationship between the benefits of product service and cost of providing it
(d) Unit cost (iv) Relationship between level of performance and the cost involved in achieving the level
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
19.Which of the following are parts of 'SCONUL' Seven Pillars of Infomation Literacy Model?
A. Gather
B. Scope
C. Preserve
D. Present
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Gather
B. Scope
C. Preserve
D. Present
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(a),(b) and(d)
20.'Internet Governance Guide for Libraries' is a publication of
21. Arrange the following principles of management given by Henri Fayol in proper sequence:
a)Division of work
b)Unity of command
d)Authority and responsibility
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
a)Division of work
b)Unity of command
d)Authority and responsibility
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
22.i10-index was created by
Google Scholar
23.The term Epigraph means
a motto or brief intorduction prfixed to a book
24.Which of the following are non-probability samling techniques ?
A. Purposive
B. Convenience
C. Snowball
D. Simple random
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Purposive
B. Convenience
C. Snowball
D. Simple random
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(a),(b) and(c)
25.'Information Outlook' is a bi-monthly online magazine published by
26.HaaS is also known as
27.Which of the search engines is merged with ScienceDirect?
28.Which of NOT the part of Mashlow's hierarchy of need?
Psycho-physcial need
29.In studying the relationship between smoking and cancer. If you assume that smoking is a cause and many factors affecting the relationship, such as number of cigarettes, the duration of smoking affect the extent of which smoking might cause cancer.
In the above example, the duration of smoking is which kind of variable?
In the above example, the duration of smoking is which kind of variable?
Independent variable
Assertion (A) : students are among the most prolific users of social networ sites (SNS). Reason (R) : Social network sites always help in fulfilling their academic information needs.
... Answer is A)
(A) is True, but (R) are False
31.Which of the following is a collaborative network of reference librarians?
32.Which ISBN element identifies the particular publisher or imprint?
Publication element
33.In the formation of subjects, progressive decrease of extension and increase of intention of a basic subject is known as
34. Assertion (A) : Indian National Bibliography is not a comprehensive source of Indian publicaitons.
Reason (R) :National Library of India, Kolkata is entitled to receive one copy of each Indian publication under Delievery of Books Act.
Reason (R) :National Library of India, Kolkata is entitled to receive one copy of each Indian publication under Delievery of Books Act.
(A) is False, but (R) are True
35.Any act by a conservator that involves a direct interaction between the conservator and the cultural material is called
preventive conservation
36.Which of the following components is included in 'LAMP'?
37.Which of the following consists of a series of rectangles drawn next to each other without any space between them, each representing the frequency of a category or subcategory?
38.Choose the key characterstics of 'Augmented Relity' (AR) system in library settings as indentified by Sharon Maria S., Esposo-Betan and Jonathan F. Santos in their studies:?
A. Combines real and virtual
B. Non reciprocative and non-interactive application
C. Registered 3D
D. Interactive real time
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Combines real and virtual
B. Non reciprocative and non-interactive application
C. Registered 3D
D. Interactive real time
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(a),(c) and(d)
39. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) PMC (i) 1999
(b) KB e-Depot (ii) 2005
(c) Portico (iii) 2000
(d) LOCKSS (iv) 2003
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) PMC (i) 1999
(b) KB e-Depot (ii) 2005
(c) Portico (iii) 2000
(d) LOCKSS (iv) 2003
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(iii),(b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
40.The rejection of a nul hypothesis, when it is ture, is known as
type-I error
41.Who intoduced the concept of Information Encoutering (IE) into the Information Behaviour Literature in 1997?
S. Erdelez
42. Arrange the correct sequence of the sections of main entry in CCC (ed.5):
a)Title section
b)Leading section
c)Note section
d)Accession number
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
a)Title section
b)Leading section
c)Note section
d)Accession number
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
43.The function carried out by firewall is to
filter the IP packets
39. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) Yearbooks (i) Annual publication listing a set of events forthcoming in next year
(b) Directory (ii) Information about events of previous year
(c) Almanac (iii) Contains instructions or advice about a particular subject
(d) Handbook (iv) A list of facts that contains an alphabetical index of names and addresses of persons or organizations
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) Yearbooks (i) Annual publication listing a set of events forthcoming in next year
(b) Directory (ii) Information about events of previous year
(c) Almanac (iii) Contains instructions or advice about a particular subject
(d) Handbook (iv) A list of facts that contains an alphabetical index of names and addresses of persons or organizations
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
45. Arrange the following social networking tools according to their year of launching in ascending order:
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
46."Law of Parsimony' belongs to the
normative prinicples
47.Who among the following coined the term Li-fi?
Harold Hass
48.LOCKSS has been initiated by
Stanford University
49.NDL-India is developed and maintained by
IIT, Kharagpur
50.Which council has developed 'Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system?
United States Green Building Council
51.The protocol used to provied security to e-mails is known as
52.Which of the following are included in the process of Big 6 Model of Information Problem Solving Skills advocated by Carrie A. Lowe and Micheal B.Eisenberg?
A. Task definition, information seeking strategies, location and address
B. Survey, feedback and complinace
C. Use of information, synthesis, evalution
D. Analysing, prioritizing, reporting
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Task definition, information seeking strategies, location and address
B. Survey, feedback and complinace
C. Use of information, synthesis, evalution
D. Analysing, prioritizing, reporting
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(a) and(c)
53.Who propounded minimum, middling, and maximum theories in reference service?
Samuel Rothstein
54. Assertion (A) : Non-participant observation technique is used as a primary data collection tool.
Reason (R) :In non-participant observation technique, the researcher influneces the subject of the study to get primary data.
Reason (R) :In non-participant observation technique, the researcher influneces the subject of the study to get primary data.
(A) is True, but (R) are False
55. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) Independent variable (i)Change variable
(b) Dependent variable (ii) Outcome/effect variable
(c) Extraneous variable (iii) Confounding variable
(d) Interening variable (iv) Affecting cause and effect relationship
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) Independent variable (i)Change variable
(b) Dependent variable (ii) Outcome/effect variable
(c) Extraneous variable (iii) Confounding variable
(d) Interening variable (iv) Affecting cause and effect relationship
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(i),(b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)
56.Which of the following V's associated with Big Data is concerned with the integrity of data?
57.The easiest way to bring Internet video to one's desktop or download is known as
58.Which of the following are NOT the techniques of ranking scale?
A. Paired comparison
B. Open ended question
C. Equal-appearing interval method
D. Response analysis
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Paired comparison
B. Open ended question
C. Equal-appearing interval method
D. Response analysis
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(b),(c) and(d)
59.Identify the components of 'WAMP' given below:
A. Adobe
B. Web
D. Pearl
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Adobe
B. Web
D. Pearl
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
60.A customized wibsite(often based on restrictions of domain articles)that immerses information from a wide array of sources in a consistent and unified manner is known as
web portal
61. Assertion (A) : E-Granthalaya is a freely available software.
Reason (R) :E-Granthalaya can be customized depending on the requirement of libraries.
Reason (R) :E-Granthalaya can be customized depending on the requirement of libraries.
(A) is True, but (R) are False
62.Who has developed 'Biblexcel'?
Olle Persson
63.Who among the following have developed the initial version of SPSS?
A. Norman Nie
B. C.Hadlai Hull
C. Dale H. Bont
D. John Chambers
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Norman Nie
B. C.Hadlai Hull
C. Dale H. Bont
D. John Chambers
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
64.Which are the display elements of 'PRECIS'?
A. Qualifier
B. Call Number
C. Display
D. Lead
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Qualifier
B. Call Number
C. Display
D. Lead
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
65.Under RRRLF (Financial)Assistance Matching Scheme, assistance will be shared on matching basis between RRRLF and North Eastern States at the ratio
66.Which of the following tools searches seamlessly across a wide range of local and remote content, provides relevance ranked results and has the ambitious goal of providing a single point entry into library's collections?
Web Scale Discovery Service
67.Which of the following Public Library Acts does NOT have the provision of Library Cess ?
A. Kerla
B. Karnataka
C. West Bengal
D. magarashtra
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Kerla
B. Karnataka
C. West Bengal
D. magarashtra
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
68. Assertion (A) :'Big deal' is a licensed package of journals that costs less to the subscriber.
Reason (R) : The package usually includes some less relevant titles.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is true?
Reason (R) : The package usually includes some less relevant titles.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is true?
Both (A) and (R) are true
69. Assertion (A) :All academic libraries provide their services on mobile platform.
Reason (R) :Academic community demands more library services through mobile app.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is true?
Reason (R) :Academic community demands more library services through mobile app.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is true?
(A) is False, but (R) are True
70.Which of the following information seeking behaviour model explains the activities, viz, starting, chaining, browsing, monitoring, etc?
Web Scale Discovery Service
71.'Diffusion of innovation' theory is proposed by
Everett Rogers
72.World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is an agency of
United Nations
73.Which of the following states in North-East region have enacted library legislaiton ?
A. Mizoram
B. Manipur
C. Nagaland
D. Assam
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A. Mizoram
B. Manipur
C. Nagaland
D. Assam
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
74. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) FORSA (i) Science and Technology
(b) NKRC (ii) Medicinal Science
(c) HELNET (iii) Agriculture
(d) CeRA (iv) Astrophysics
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) FORSA (i) Science and Technology
(b) NKRC (ii) Medicinal Science
(c) HELNET (iii) Agriculture
(d) CeRA (iv) Astrophysics
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)
75. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) Repeaters (i) Allows similar networks to communicate
(b) Gateways (ii) Allows data to be transferred within the network
(c) Routers (iii) Help in strengthening the signals
(d) switches (iv) Allows dissimilar networks to communicate
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) Repeaters (i) Allows similar networks to communicate
(b) Gateways (ii) Allows data to be transferred within the network
(c) Routers (iii) Help in strengthening the signals
(d) switches (iv) Allows dissimilar networks to communicate
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
76. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) Electronic (i) In-Person meetings, personal discussions
(b) Print (ii) Telemeetins, Technophobes, videographic meet
(c) Face to face (iii) Social media, email, website banners, pay-per click ads
(d) Tele-Conferencing (iv) Brochures, fliers, ads, catalogues, reports, memos or letters
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) Electronic (i) In-Person meetings, personal discussions
(b) Print (ii) Telemeetins, Technophobes, videographic meet
(c) Face to face (iii) Social media, email, website banners, pay-per click ads
(d) Tele-Conferencing (iv) Brochures, fliers, ads, catalogues, reports, memos or letters
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
77.In data transfer process, which of the following has multiple bridges between different parts
78.Identify the frequency of occurence and the analysis of co-occurence of descriptors assigned to journal articles:
Co-word analysis
79 Arrange the following information systems in ascending order according to their year of establishment:
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
80.According to S.R. Ranganathan if any conflict arises between the canons and/or prinicples it is resolved by an appeal to
The Five Laws
81. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) Best Retired Librarain Award (i) SIS
(b) S.M Ganguli Award (ii) IASLIC
(c) S.P. Narang Research Promotion Award (iii)ILA
(d) Young Scientist Award (iv) IATLIS
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) Best Retired Librarain Award (i) SIS
(b) S.M Ganguli Award (ii) IASLIC
(c) S.P. Narang Research Promotion Award (iii)ILA
(d) Young Scientist Award (iv) IATLIS
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(ii), (b)-(iii),(c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
82.Which software is use to INFLIBNET Access management Federation (INFED)for authenticating authorized users to access the resources?
83.In binary number system, digit '22' is represented by
84. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) George Kingsley Zipf (i) Documentation
(b) Samuel Clement Bradford (ii) The Beginning of systematic Bibliography
(c) Alfred James Lotka (iii)Human Behaviour and Priniciple of Least Effort
(d) Theodore Besterman (iv) Elements of Mathematical Biology
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) George Kingsley Zipf (i) Documentation
(b) Samuel Clement Bradford (ii) The Beginning of systematic Bibliography
(c) Alfred James Lotka (iii)Human Behaviour and Priniciple of Least Effort
(d) Theodore Besterman (iv) Elements of Mathematical Biology
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
85.Delphi method is related to
forecasting process based on panel of experts
86 Arrange the following library softwares in ascending order according to their year of launching:
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
87.E-Journal article can be identified with the help of
Digital Object Identifier
88.Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP) was suggested by
Michael Gorman
89 Arrange the following library according to their year of Foundation:
a)Khuda Bakhsh Library, Patna
b)Raja Library, Rampur
c)Delhi Public Library , Delhi
d)National Library of India , Kolkata
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
a)Khuda Bakhsh Library, Patna
b)Raja Library, Rampur
c)Delhi Public Library , Delhi
d)National Library of India , Kolkata
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
90. Match the following
List-I List-II
(a) Class A IP (i) Supports small networks with fewer than 256 devices
(b) Class B IP (ii) Reserved for multicast groups
(c) Class C IP (iii)Supports large networks ith many devices
(d) Class D IP (iv) Supports medium sized networks
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
List-I List-II
(a) Class A IP (i) Supports small networks with fewer than 256 devices
(b) Class B IP (ii) Reserved for multicast groups
(c) Class C IP (iii)Supports large networks ith many devices
(d) Class D IP (iv) Supports medium sized networks
Choose the correct answers from the following options :
(a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)