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UGC NET Question Paper 24 Oct. to 5 Nov  Solved 

UGC NET 2020 Library and Information Science Solved Question Paper with Answers Proven Part 1

STEPS TO ATTEMPT UGC NET 2020 Library and Information Science Solved Question Paper with Answers

Note: UGC NET Question Paper 24 Oct. to 5 Nov 2020 Solved 

  1. The total number of questions is 50.
  2. Every question given four options, one is right and three others are wrong answers.
  3. Choose the correct option and solve each question.
  4. The submit button is below the last question, after attempting all questions please click on the submit button.
  5. The final result is shown on the display screen, check your answers.
  6. If any query regarding this quiz, Please comment on it.

Welcome to your UGC NET 2020 Library and Information Science Solved Question Paper with Answers

Given Below are two statements one is labelled as Assertion A and other is labelled as Reason R

Assertion A: Systems of education which are place-specific, time-specific, and person specification are said to be formal and are created by laid down law and procedures
Reason R: Open universities and open schools are examples of a formal system of education because they are created by laying down procedures

Given below are two statements

Statement I: Reliability is a necessary but insufficient condition for Validity
Statement II: In respect of evaluation tools, validity is not an all or none concept but it exists as a continuum

The scope for employing ICT support is relatively more in which of the following stages of research?

A. Problem formulaiton
B. Hypothesis making
C. Data collection
D. Data analysis
E. Data interpretation

Which of the following are features of the qualitative research paradigm? If the

A. The research is concerned with understanding the social phenomena from the participant's perspective
B. It seeks to establish relationships, among variables and explains the causes of changes in measured social facts
C. It is conducted in actual settings as the direct source of data and the researcher is the key instrument
D. It is concerned with the process rather than simply with outcomes or products
E. It attempts to establish universal context-free generalization

For use during teaching, from the list given below, identify questions that are process type rather than content type

A. Divergent Questions
B. Fact-based Questions
C. Concept-based questions
D. Lower order Questions
E. Higher-order Questions

From the list given below, identify those features which relate to an approach to teaching and learning in indirect strategies of teaching

A. Engagement in an inquiring process
B. Concept-based content presentation
C. Gaining attention and informing the learners of the instructional objective
D. Presenting the stimulus material and stimulating recall of prerequisite learning
E. Encouraging students to use references form their own experiences

Given below are two statements one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R

Assertion A: A Research has to observe Codel formalities at all stages without scope and leeway for offending moral and ethical norms
Reasons R: In respect  of data collection, data analysis and interpretation there is, however,a considerable scope of being ethically vulnerable

Match List I with List II

List I

List II



A. Abhava


B. Anupalabdhi

II. Buddhism

C. Apoha

III. Vedanta

D. Syadavada

IV. Nyaya

Identify the next term in the series


The difference of the square of two consecutive even numbers is 84. What is the sum of these two consecutive even numbers?

Mr X is 40 years old and Mr Y is 60 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of their ages 3:5?

Which of the following will make a student a good listener in the classroom?

A. Ability to deflect attention
B. Concentration
C. Desire to understand
D. Emotional outbursts
E. Humility to know
F. Ignoring the other side

The domain of media appeal addresses the issues related to

"Golden Mountain is fiery because it is smoky'

Find out the correct chronological order of the following educational communication ventures in India

A. Krishi Darshan
B. Gyan Darshan
C. Vyas
D. Gyan Vani

In a river form a fixed location, two identical boats start moving up stream and down-stream, respectively. The speed of the water current in the river is 3km/hour. If the speed of each of the boats in still water is 15km/hour, the separation between the boats after 12 minutes will be

What type of cognition is beyond the ambit of perception?

Match List I with List II

List I

List II

Types of listeners


A. Poor listeners

I. Scare others

B. Aggressive listeners

II. Easily agree with the speaker

C. Passive listeners

III. Listen to ideas, but no emotions behind

D. Pseudo-Intellectual

IV. Fidget repeatedly

Consider the following letter series and identify the next term

ace, fhj, kmo,____

Match List I with List II

List I 

List II



A. Episteme and Doxa

I. Aristotle

B. Potential and Actual Being

II. Hegel

C. Vyavharika and Parmarthik

III. Sankara

D. Rational and Actual

IV. Plato

In a proposition which is particular affirmative,

Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R

Assertion A: Pedagogy and social interaction are two major areas of activity of teachers
Reason R: It is communication that is crucial for making both the activities important

Which of the following is excluded form the domain of Artificial Intelligence?

Which of the following is NOT a system software?

What is the name for a web page address?

Which of the following areas of liberal education at the higher level in feudal society of Europe were classified under trivium?

B. Astronomy
C. Grammar
D. Logic
E. Rhetoric

In which of the universities named below, correspondence courses were initiated in 1962?

In case of which of the following primary pollutants, the man-made contributions to global emissions(million tonnes per year) is more compared to that form natural sources?

High hazard wastes may contain

A. Pathogens
B. Radioactive Wastes
C. Non-reactive substances
D. Corrosive substances

Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R

Assertion A: Polluted rivers with very high values of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) may produce a foul smell
Reason R: Anaerobic Bacteria produce sulfur dioxide and oxide of nitrogen

Identify the correct sequence of energy sources in terms of their heat of combustion in increasing order

A. Methane
B. Natural Fats and Oils
C. Dry wood
D. Green Wood

Match List I with List II

List I

List II

Levels of academic freedom in higher education institutions

Concerns at their levels

A. Personal Level

I. Democratic functioning in the higher education system and believing each individual worthy of attention

B. Professional Level

II. Standard of behaviour and ethics we adopt and develop for ourselves

C. Institutional Level

III. Values which influence and cushion the operation of higher education

D. Societal Level

IV. Exercising personal and Professional values within the concept of the higher education insitution

Which of the following categories of colleges is primarily intended for creating work ready manpower on a large scale?

Which of the following are Millennium Development Goals?

A. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
B. Improving Maternal Health
C. Addressing Climate change
D. Promoting gender equity and empowerment fo woman
E. Ensuring energy security for all

Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R

Assertion A: Privacy and Security of user data is at stake on the Internet
Reason R: No steps are being taken by the user for the security and privacy of data

What is the full form of the abbreviation ISP?

Synchronous communication takes place through which of the following technologies?

A. Video Chat
B. Virtual Classrooms
C. Audio Conferencing
D. Wikis
E. Electronic mail

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