Welcome to your UGC NET 2023 December LIS QUIZ
1. __________is a non-profit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.
2. Who said "Where is the information lost in data, knowledge lost in information and wisdom lost in knowledge"?
3. _________is the informal organizational communication network.
4. On recommendations of National Knowledge Commission, which of the following is set up as the nodal agency for National Translation Mission?
5. During the Mughal period the Head Librarian was known as:
6. First Public Library act enacted in the pre-independent India.
7. The first library committee for a university library in India was constituted at?
8. Who chaired the committee constituted to formulate NAPLIS in 1985 ?
9. The first commercial full-text legal information service is known as:
10. The abstracts in Indian Science Abstracts are arranged using:
11. In LISA database, what is the exact nomenclature used for the field representing the label 'NOFT".
12. The first abstracting periodical was published in the field of?
13. Motion box is a_________.
14. "Bibliophile" is a__________.
16. Which of the following is not a form of index generally?
17. Which one of the following is not a vocabulary control?
18. Main entry in the catalogue contains:
19. Which one of the following formats is followed in PRECIS to prepare index entries?
20. Who developed the idea of Facet Analysis?
21. CPM was developed by?
22. Which of the following is not a Human Resource Planning technique?
23. Who among the following conducted a study at Hawthorne, Illinois plant related to human relations school?
24. The collection development principle "The best reading for the largest number at the least cost" is given by?
25. Who among the following introduced frequency modulation for mobile communication systems in 19357?
26. Cisa type of high-level language.
27. Which type of Barcode printing is not long lasting?
28. Which of the "V" in big data is essential to have ways of detecting and correcting any false, incorrect or incomplete data?
29. Which standard for data handling and interchange is used for structured documents?
30. Position detection pattern are arranged at corners of QR code.
31. In SPSS, is in the form of a spread sheet grid into which data can be entered.
32. provides a set of rules for assigning numerical values to answers obtained from respondents.
33. Observing a group without interfering in its normal activities is referred as?
34. Studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of an individual or of a group is?
36. Open Educational Resources and course on Engineering and Technology are available at?
37. Secretariat libraries are part of ?
38. Who defines hybrid library as "a cross breed which aims to meet the needs of new learning environment".
39. In Satellite Communication, multiple repeaters are known as?
40. POST is performed by ?
41. Basic requirements for copy rightability are:
A. A work must be original B. A work must be reliable C. A work be fixed in a tangible form of expression D. A person must be a trustworthy E. A work must be a work of a authorship. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
42. MOSCOW declaration refers to-
A. Media and Information Literacy B. Information Consolidation C. Raising advocacy programmes D. International Conference held in 2012 E. Organized by UNESCO. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
43. Which of the following are true of CILIP?
A. CILIP is the library and information association of Europe B. Membership is open to everyone working with information, knowledge, data or libraries C. The president is elected by members directly for two years D. CILIP was formed by the merger of Library Association and Institute of Information Scientists E. It has its headquarters at London. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
44. Which of the following are identified categories of documents as suggested by S. R. Ranganathan?
A. Primary document B. Neo Conventional document C. Meta document D. Non-conventional document E. Secondary document Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
45. Tools used for RSS Feeds include:
A. Feedity B. Web RSS C. Feed Fire D. Jot Spot E. Edit me Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
46. Which of the following can be treated as documentation list?
A. Book review B. News index C. Current contents D. Treatise E. News digest Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
47. Electronic Information Service is one thatis -
A. generated on the basis of digital information resource B. received by the user in digital format C. when downloaded printouts are delivered to the users by the library D. available in the form of access’ through internet. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
48. Which of the following measures Lankes brought to assess the quality of digital reference services?
A. Outcome measures B. Income measures C. Process measures D. Economic measures E. Electronic measures. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
49. Biotechnology Information System covers:
A. Genetic Engineering B. Electrical Engineering C. Chemical Engineering D. Immunology E. Neuro Informatics. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
50. Sears list of Subject Headings include:
A. Narrow Term B. Related term C. Broader Term D. Nearer Term E. Important Term. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
51. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegol described the triadic scheme of knowledge classification into
A. Natural Science B. Logic Science C. Mental Science D. General Science E. Humanities Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
52. Which of the flowing are stages of Kurt Lewin's Change Management Model?
A. Changing B. Unfreezing C. Preliminary Diagnosis D. Designing Autonomy Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
53. Which of the following are basic components of any MBO system?
A. Setting objectives B. Developing Action Plans C. Conducting periodic reviews D. Provision for jobs requiring trial operation Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
54. Which of the following are principles of Scientific Management ?
A. Job Analysis B. Unity of Command C. Division of Labour D. Stability of Tenure E. Maximum profits Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
55. Address space of the IP address is divided into following parts:
A. Registry B. Type prefix C. Identifier D. Rest of Address E. Type identifier Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
56. The presentation layer of OSI model has following functions:
A. Reduces number of bits to be sent over the network B. Translates Data into standard format to be sent on the network C. Acts as a window for end users D. Inserts check points E. Prevents unauthorized users. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
57. Digital signature can provide for a message.
A. Authentication B. Clarity C. Integrity D. Re-transmission E. Non-repudiation. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
58. Artificial Narrow Intelligence has the following features:
A. Referred as weak AI B. Referred as strong AI C. Used in facial recognition D. Ability to solve any problem E. Used in cars. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
59. DEITY has awarded the project entitled "Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation” to which of the following agencies?
A. C-DAC, Pune B. C-DAC, Bangalore C. C-DAC, Noida D. C-DAC, Delhi E. IIT, Delhi Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
60. DROMBORA was developed and released by?
A. DCC B. DPE C. IIT, Bombay D. C-DAC, Bangalore Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
61. Webometric research includes longitudinal quantitative studies of
A. Web citation analysis B. Blog analysis C. Web pages D. Search engine designing. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
62. Impact Factor is used by?
A. Authors to select a right journal B. Libraries to make collection development decisions C. Academic institutions to access academic productivity D. Publishers to decide the journal price Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
63. The important measures of dispersion are:
A. Mean B. Standard Deviation C. Mean Deviation D. Range Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
64. Which of the following are true of libraries of ancient India?
A. Earliest written recorded materials found are the inscriptions on stone pillars of king Ashoka B. Nalanda library flourished till twelveth Century C. Ratna-Sagara is a seven-storied building D. Itsing visited Nalanda University E. Temple libraries existed before 10th Century A.D. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
65. Which of the following constitute Marketing Mix ?
A. Product B. Promotion C. Price D. Purchasing power E. Portability Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
66. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Library Acts) LIST II (Features) A. Manipur Public Libraries Act I. Bill drafted in 1959 B. Kerala Public Libraries Act Il. No library cess C. Mizoram Public Libraries Act Ill. Creation of state Library Service D. Karnataka Public Libraries Act IV. Recognizes 4 categories of library
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-l, B-Il, C-lll, D-IV
A-lll, B-1, C-1V, D-II
A-ll, B-1, C-1V, D-III
A-1V, B-Ill, C-1, D-I
67. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Database/Sites) LIST II (Features) A. Expert database I. Scopus B. Online database III. Twitter C. Numerical database IV. Census of India D. Social networking site V. Vidwan
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-l, B-lI, C-lll, D-1V
A-ll, B-1ll, C-1V, D-I
A-lll, B-IV, C-I, D-II
68. Match List I with List II
LIST I (File/Format) LIST II (Standards for Data Handling) A. Page description I. SGML B. Structured documents II. RAM/RM 2 C. Moving images III. Post Script Level D. Audio format IV. GIF8SA
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-l, B-lll, C-IV, D-II
A-lll, B-I, C-IV, D-II
A-ll, B-lll, C-I, D-IV
A-l, B-Ill, C-ll, D-IV
69. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Isolates/Facets) LIST II (Fundamental categories) CC 7th ed. A. Medicine I. P B. Heart II. E C. Morphology III. BF D. Therapeutics IV. MP
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-ll, B-lll, C-I, D-IV
A-lll, B-I, C-IV, D-II
A-l, B-ll, C-lll, D-IV
A-IV, B-I, C-lll, D-II
70. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Theory) LIST II (Propounders) A. Bureaucratic Organization I. Henri Fayol B. Change Management Theory II. Peter Drucker C. Administrative Management III. Max Weber D. Management by Objectives IV. Kurt Lewin
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-IV, B-lll, C-I, D-II
A-l, B-IV, C-III, D-II
A-ll, B-lll, C-IV, D-I
A-lll, B-IV, C-I, D-II
71. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Laws) LIST II (Explanation) A. Bradford's law I. Author productivity B. Lotka's law II. Sharing of one or more references by two C. Zip's law III. Law of scattering D. Bibliographic coupling IV. Usage of words by individuals
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-l, B-ll, C-IV, D-II
A-ll, B-I, C-llI, D-IV
A-lll, B-I, C-IV, D-II
A-IV, B-lll, C-Il, D-I
72. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Cryptography related terms) LIST II (Meaning) A. Plain text I. Transforms the cipher text to plain text B. Cipher text II. After the message is transformed C. Encryption III. The original message before being D. Decryption IV. Transforms plain text to cipher text
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-ll, B-llI, C-IV, D-I
A-lll, B-II, C-IV, D-I
A-lV, B-III, C-Il, D-I
A-ll, B-lll, C-I, D-IV
73. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Questions pertaining to) LIST II (Attributes) A. Language I. Leading personalities specialists, professionals, authors, less known persons B. Background II.Location, description, distance, identification C. People III. Definition, spelling pronunciation, abbreviations, synonyms, antonymes, signs, symbols D. Places IV. General Information, self-education, all about
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-l, B-ll, C-lll, D-IV
A-lll, B-IV, C-I, D-II
A-ll, B-lll, C-IV, D-I
A-IV, B-lll, C-II, D-I
74. Match List I with List II
LIST I (Item) LIST II (Explanation) A. Budapest Treaty I. Unified procedure for filing patent application in each of its member countries. B. Patent Cooperation Treaty II. Common Classification for patents published, utility models and utility certificate. C. International Patent Classification III. Internationally agreed number for identification of data. D. INID IV. Applicants deposits the material in any one recognized institution. It is not necessary to deposit again in other country.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-lV, B-I, C-II, D-III
A-lll, B-II, C-I, D-IV
A-l, B-lll, C-ll, D-IV
75. Arrange the following IPR Head Offices/Office of the Controller General alphabetically according to cities of their location.
A. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Right and Management B. Designs Office C. Trade Marks Registry D. Geographical Indications Registry E. Copyright Registry. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
B,C,D, E,A
D,E, B,C, A
76. Sequence the following in the ascending order of their inception
A. ISBD (G) B. ISBD (M) C. IFLA Universal Availability of Publications D. IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control E. IFLA Program Development Group Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
E, D, C,B,A
A,B,C,D, E
C, A, D, B,E
77. Arrange the following documents in reverse chronological order of their publication:
A. Documentation and its Facets by S R Ranganathan B. Documentation by S C Bradford C. Traite de Documentation by Paul Otlet D. Documentation and Organization of Knowledge by J H Shera. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
78. Arrange the following based on their evolution:
A. Consortia B. Library Cooperation C. Resource Sharing D. Networking Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
B,C, D, A
79. Arrange the following classification schemes in an ascending order according to their year of development.
A. Expensive Classification B. Library of Congress Classification C. Bibliographic Classification D. Subject Classification. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A,B,D, C
D,A, B,C
80. Arrange the following search engines according to their year of launching in an ascending order.
A. Yahoo B. Google C. Bing D. Hotbot E. Scirus Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
81. Arrange the file formats based on the storage space required in ascending form.
A. Text B. Video C. Multimedia D. Image E. Audio Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A, D, E, B,C
82. Arrange the following classes as per DDC scheme of classification.
A. Ethics B. Metaphysics C. Logic D. Psychology E. Epistomology Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
A,C,B,D, E
B,E,D,C, A
83. Organize the following in an ascending order from the date of their establishment
A. Indian Institute of Science B. Allahabad University C. Connemara Public Library D. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. E. The Roorkee College (New IIT, Roorkee) Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A,C,D,B, E
84. Arrange the basic steps of system analysis from the point of view of problem solving.
A. Construction of models which formalize the alternatives B. Presentation of recommendations C. Determination of the cost/effectiveness of the alternatives D. Definition and formulation of the problem E. Development of alternative solutions Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A,C,B,D, E
85. Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as:
Assertion A: Conflict is a natural by-product of people's interactions in organizations and cannot be eliminated. Reason R: Conflict arises because organizational members have common goals. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
86. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Information seeking is purposive seeking of information as a consequence of a need to satisfy some goal of an individual. Statement Il: Information seeking pattern of an individual is a determinant of his/her information environment with which he/she is confronted. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.
87. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: UDC is developed on the basis of first edition DDC. Statement Il: UDC has both enumerative and analytic-synthetic characters. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
88. Given below are two statements:
Statement |: Bacteria are programs that generally cause denial of service attack. Statement ll: Denial of service attack do not affect the existing files or programs. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
89. iven below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as:
Assertion A: Libraries take part in consortia to get access to large number of electronic resources. Reason R: College libraries invest huge amount of money for getting large number of e-collections. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.