Welcome to your UGC NET Mock Test Proven
1. Which of the following search engines do not exist now?
(a) Dogpile (b) Scirus (c) Alta-Vista (d) CiteseerX
2. Select the INCORRECT combinations:
(a) DORIA - University of Glassgow (b) LIFE - Helsinki University Library (c) ESPIDA - British Library (d) LOCKSS – Stanford University Libraries
3. International agency for ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) is located in __?
4. Select the correct combinations:
a) William Martin – The Global Information society b) Alvin Toffler – The Futurists c) Derek J De Solla Price –Little Science Big Science d) S. C. Bradford – Documentation
5. Which of the following is a collaborative network of Reference Librarians?
6. Delphi Method of forecasting is conceived by __.
7. Arrange the following according to their year or origin:
a) APA (American Psychological Association) b) MLA (Modern Language Association of America) c) Chicago (University of Chicago Press) d) Turabian (University of Chicago Press)
d, c, a, b
b, d, c, a
c, d, a, b
a, b, c, d
8. Most used model of information seeking by the information specialists, while preparing their models is:
9. i10-Index was introduced in __.
10. Which of the following Information –seeking behavior model explains the activities, viz. starting, chaining, browsing, monitoring etc.?
11. Which of the following are the main role operators of PRECIS?
a) Key System b) Action c) Performer of Action d) Form of Document
12. In Histogram, the values of variables are presented in __.
13. In relation to DSpace, the full form of SWORD is __.
14. Azure is a cloud computing platform of __.
15. The other name of HaaS is __.
16. Which of the following are the parts of MARC record structure?
a) Check digit b) Leader c) Directory d) Record Terminator
17. In Universal Decimal Classification (Abridged English 3rd Edition) symbol “…” indicates:
18. Choose the correct option according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): Glossary is an alphabetical list of technical terms on a particular subject. Reason (R): There is no difference between discipline-specific terms and general terms.
19. Which of the following publications are excluded from the scope of Indian Bibliography?
a) Maps b) Guide to textbooks c) First issue of a new periodical d) Musical scores
20. Who said ‘Management is the art of getting things done through people’?
21. Which are the factors responsible for deterioration of Library Materials?
a) Biological Factor b) Electromagnetic Factor c) Chemical Factor d) Environmental Factor
22. Which scheme facilitates academic and research collaboration between Indian Institution and the best institution in the world?
23. Which of the following is NOT an element of 7 P's of Marketing Mix?
24. Which rule of government of India grant exclusion of librarian and library staff from security deposits in case of handling cash?
25. What are the services proposed by Alton Chua under the three-tiered KMS architecture?
a) Infrastructure services b) Knowledge services c) Presentation services d) Network services
26. Which of the following are Reference Style Management tools?
a) Stata b) Refworks c) Mendeley d) Zotero
27. According to S. R. Ranganathan, ‘Wherever telescoping of array is done, the canon of Hierarchy is violated". This violation is deliberately done to satisfy:
28. National Testing Agency (NTA) was established in ___.
29. The g-Index was proposed by __.
30. Select the correct chronological order of non-verbal communication:
Signs, symbols, codes, colours
Symbols, codes, signs, colours
Colours, signs, codes, symbols
Codes, colours, symbols, signs
31. How many activities of social scientists are identified under Ellis's Model of Information-seeking behaviour?
32. Who characterizes reference service as ‘minimum, middling, and maximum.’
33. Arrange the following information networks according to their year of launching:
34. The book 'Theory of Book Selection for Public Libraries' was first published in __.
35. ‘InfiStats’ is developed by __.
36. Communication through sense of smell is called __.
37. MARC 21 provides how many types of data communication formats?
38. Choose the correct option according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): It is not economical to store and read video data from secondary storage devices. Reason (R): Video data requires enormous disk storage as image compression ratio is high.
39. Flow of data in a ring topology is __.
40. Which edition of Sears List of Subject Heading first introduced standard abbreviation terms such as NT, BT, RT, UF, and SA?
41. The new name of Standing Conference of National and University Libraries (SCONUL) is:
42. Which Information literacy model develop a series of 'lenses' that can be applied to represent the different groups of learners?
43. Arrange the following information systems according to the chronological order of their developments:
44. Arrange in sequence the medium used for ‘Virtual Reference’ in the order of their progress:
a) Web form b) Ask a Service c) Email d) Social Networking
45. Identify the non-probability sampling technique among the following:
a) Purposive b) Simple random c) Systematic random d) Multistage
46. Telegraph network is the example of __.
47. Which of the states in north-east region have enacted library legislation?
(a) Mizoram (b) Manipur (c) Nagaland (d) Assam
48. Which of the following are parts of ‘SCONUL’ Seven Pillars of Information Literacy Model?
a) Gather b) Scope c) Preserve d) Present
49. In optical communication, multiplexing is referred to as ___.
50. Copyright Office, Govt. of India functions under the Ministry of ___.
51. Panel discussion is an example of __.
52. 'Library Book Selection' by S. R. Ranganathan first published in the year __.
53. The latest edition of ISBN Standard (ISO-2108) published in __?
54. Which among the following is an application layer service?
55. Which of the following are true about publication element of ISBN?
a) Variable Length b) Upto 5 digits c) Fixed length d) Upto 6 digits
56. Arrange the following laws/principles from lower to higher level as propounded by Ranganathan:
a) Fundamental Laws b) Canons c) Principles d) Basic Laws
57. When the distribution contains very high or very low scores, the most appropriate measure of central tendency may be?
58. Choose the correct option according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Citation Indexing is a unique and innovative tool for navigating the research literature. Reason (R) : Researcher has to depend only on citation indexes for literature search.
59. LC-PCC-PS stands for __.
60. dentify the penalty in case of plagiarism at ‘Level 2’ in Theses and Dissertation Submission as per UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention o Plagiarism in Higher Education Institutions) Regulation, 2018:
61. Select the wrong statement from the following:
62. Identify the correct sequence of user tasks that are supported by the structure of FRBR.
Find, identify, select, obtain
Select, identify, find, obtain
Find, select, identify, obtain
Identify, select, obtain, find
63. Which of the following canon says that choice and rendering of heading should be determined from the title page and its verso:
64. Which among the following are 5 principles of OER as suggested by David Wiley?
a) Re-use b) Re-distribute c) Revise d) Re-design
65. TKDL is developed and managed by __.
66. Communication becomes circular when __.
67. The concept of Information Encountering (IE) was developed by Erdelez in the year ___?
68. What are the characteristics of Information Encountering (IE) as identified by Sanda Erdelez?
a) User b) Environment c) Information d) Feedback
69. Select the products of OCLC from the following:
a) WebJunction b) VDX c) Question point d) Dewey Decimal Classification
70. Which one of the following is not image format?
71. Transmission data rate is decided by __.
72. National Focal Point of INFOTERRA in India is ___.
73. Which of the following are the International Cooperative Serials Control Program?
74. Arrange the following according to their year of emergence :
75. National Information Centre on Chemistry and Chemical Technology (NICCHEM) is located at ___.
76. Who among the following are NOT partners of National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)?
a) IIT Madras b) IIT Delhi c) IIT Bangalore d) NIT Rourkela
77. Which among the following are possible goals of an exploratory study:
a) discover future research topics b) expand understanding of a topic c) Test hypothesis d) Develop hypothesis
78. Choose the correct option in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): As the level of Recall decreases, the precision increases. Reason (R): Recall and Precision are not always inversely correlated.
79. Which of the following are open access initiatives of INFLIBNET?
a) Shodhganga b) e-Shodh Sindhu c) Infoport d) IndCat
80. Chapter 12 of AACR-2 has changed its name in AACR-2R, 2002. Identify the changed name:
81. In which of the following studies, a researcher is required to examine some specific sub-population, as they change with time?
82. Select the correct combinations from the following:
a) Trend analysis – Analyzing two dimensional longitudinal data b) Cohort study – Analyzing a group of people sharing a defined characteristics c) Cross-sectional study – Analyzing many subjects at the same point of time d) Panel analysis – Analyzing financial statement over the years
83. COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) was first launched in ___.
84. ‘BAUD’ rate means __.
85. Identify the correct chronological sequence of their origin:
a) Altmetrics b) Bibliometrics c) Librametrics d) Webometrics
d, c, a, b
c, b, d, a
a, b, c, d
b, d, c, a
86. Which of the following are the basic rules of APA style of referencing format?
a) Italicize titles of shorter works such as journal’s articles or essays b) Invert authors’ names (last name first) c) Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals d) Alphabetically index reference list
87. Which section of the IT act, 2000 describes the provision for ‘compensation for failure to protect data’?
88. Communication through touching is called __.
89. Which of the following statements are wrong with reference to INB?
a) Excludes musical scores b) First appeared in 1951 c) Classified part follows CC, but DDC numbers assigned at the bottom d) The main entries are in Roman Script
90. Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India was launched in __.
91. Six characteristics of Information was proposed by __.
92. “Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.”—Who said this?
93. Melvil Voigt identified three users approach to types of information, which one of them belong to the document delivery service?
94. Which state public library Act has provision for collecting library cess from land revenue?
95. Which of the following states do not have provision of library cess in their respective Public Library Acts?
a) West Bengal b) Tamil Nadu c) Kerala d) Manipur
96. FRBR Model consists of which of the following four entities?
Personality, Matter, Energy, Space
Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item
Book, Form, Availability, Type
Action, Place, Impact, Category
97. PMEST in Colon Classification of S. R. Ranganathan is:
a) Decreasing order of concreteness b) Decreasing order of association c) Decreasing order of classification d) Decreasing order of fundamental categories
98. Choose the correct option according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Library Standards are essential for interaction and collaboration among libraries. Reason (R) : Z39.50 Protocol virtually has reduced the efforts of both classifier and the cataloguer and hereby made the use of standards vulnerable.
99. Arrange year-wise development of the following indexing systems:
a) Relational Indexing by J.E.L Farradane b) Chain Indexing by S. R. Ranganathan c) Subject Indexing by E.J. Coates d) PRECIS by Derek Austin
100. Who proposed 7 traditions of communication theory?