Welcome to your LIS UGC NET 2024 SOLVED PROVEN 90
1. Which of the following are true of Information?
A. Information is a property of data B. Product of human brain C. Information may be abstract or concrete D. Information cannot be creative E. Information is personal knowledge Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
2. Which of the following relations are found in subject headings?
A. Subject relations B. Equivalence relations C. Hierarchical relations D. Phase relations E. Associative relations Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
3. Which of the following are described as penalty for researchers in UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations 2018.
A. Researchers shall be asked to submit a revised script B. Researchers be asked to pay a penalty of Rs.5000/- C. Researchers shall be debarred from submitting a revised script D. Researchers registration for the research degree shall be cancelled E. After there unsatisfactory plagiarism reports bailable arrest warrant will be issued. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
4. Arrange the steps of PERT/CPM in chronological order.
A. Determine the earliest and latest feasible event times B. Identify the precedence relationships among the activities C. Identify activities required by the project D. Determine the expected time requirement for each activity E. Develop a network diagram of activities and events or nodes showing precedence relationships
D,A,E, B,C
C, B, D, E,A
D,E,A, C,B
C,A,E, B,D
5. Which of the following is not a principle of library expenditure?
6. The data security measures include:
A. Book marking B. Antivirus protection C. Data encryption D. Firewall E. Data diddling Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
7. The preliminary part of the research report may not include:
8. Probability distribution of all the possible means of random samples of a given sample size refers to:
9. A bidirectional wireless system that transmits data via LED or infrared light is:
10. Match the List- I with List —-Il
Library Association years of establishment A. Gujarat Pustakalays Mandal I. 1925 B. Maharashtra Library Association ll. 1926 C. Baroda State Library Association III. 1921 D. Bengal Library Association IV. 1923 Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- I, B-Il, C-IV, D- III
A- IV, B-Ill, C- Il, D-I
A- Ill, B-l, C- IV, D- Il
A-Ill, B-IV, C-Il, D-I
11. In of job evaluation actual incident relevant to the work situation are taken into account and each employee is made to answer each incident to his supervisor.
12. Laney described the characteristics of data that cannot be processed by traditional data management tools.
13. Who is the author of Basic Reference Sources?
14. Arrange the layers of Semantic Web Architecture in proper sequence from lower to higher
A. RIF and SWRL B. UNICODE and URI C. OWL D. XML E. RDF Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
15. Which of the following are true of Nalanda University?
A. Nalanda University was established in 4th century B.C. B. Area of library was called Dharma Ganja C. Library was housed in three grand buildings D. The buildings were named as Ratna-Sagar, Ratna Pithika and Ratna Ranjaka E. Ratna Ranjaka was a nine storied building Choose the correct answer from the on given below:
17. What is the full form of ROMEO in Sherpa ROMEO?
18. Which of the following is an analytical information source?
19. Match the List-I with List-ll:
LIST-I LIST-II A. Inter disciplinary nature’ of I. Indexing classification and storage systems, information scatter reference service B. Multiplicity of Languages ll. Information and data analysis and evaluation C. Wide variation in quality and | Ill. Translation service reliability D. Cumulation of information into vast | IV. Indexing techniques to interlink subjects, quantities Information analysis and enquiry service Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-I, B-Il, C-IIl, D- IV
A-II, B-Ill, C-IV, D- I
A-III, B -IV, C- I ,D-II
A- IV, B- Ill, C- Il, D- I
20. If all the non-critical activities start as early as possible, the spare time is the:
21. In what sequence one should consult the following information sources to understand about ‘Referral Service’ with its increasing extension and intention.
A. Library Science with a Slant to Documentation B. Reference Service by SR Ranganathan C. Harrod's Librarian's Glossary and Reference Book D. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A, B,C, D
C,.D, B A
D, A,B,C
22. Match the List-I with List-ll.
List-I (Citing indications) List-Il (Description) A. Ibid. I. Refers to the reference listed earlier by the same author B. Op. cit. II. Refers to citation of sources with multiple authors C. Loc. Cit. IIl. Refers to the same author and service in the immediately preceding reference D. Et.al. IV. Refers to foot note term used to repeat the title and page number for a given work Choose the correct answer from the option given below:
23. Arrange the following Year Books and Directories in ascending order from oldest to latest of their first publications.
A. Europa World Yearbook B. Demographic Yearbook C. World of Learning D. Commonwealth Universities Yearbook Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A, B,C, D
D,C, B,A
B,C,A, D
24. Readers Digest’ is an example for:
25. Who was not a member of UCG panel on Library and Information Science for the Curriculum Development Committee 2001 headed by Prof. C.R. Karisiddappa.
26. Match the following use and user studies with their investigations.
List-I List-Il A. Information metrics and user studies I. Crawford B. Information Needs and uses II. M.B. Line C. Organizational behaviour and information seeking III. Carol Tenopir D. The information uses and needs of social scientists IV. Auster Eithal Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- Il, B- I, C-IV, D-III
A-lll, B-IV, C- 1, D-IV
A-|, B-II, C-Ill, D-IV
A-Ill, B-I, C-IV, D-II
27. Which of the following data collection tool is concerned with broad underlying feelings of individual’s life experience?
28. Each surviving term of an Expressive Title is denoted by:
29. Which of the following are true of multimedia?
A. There are six basic elements in multimedia B. A mobile user may use multimedia through SMS C. CAD/CAM can be used for designing engineering application D. Photoshops can be used for network development E. Common file types for audio include MP3, WAV and WMA Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
30. Which of the following are types of MIS in an organization?
A. Executive support systems B. Management support systems C. Personnel support systems D. Software support systems E. Decision support systems Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
31. Information communication process can be classified broadly into following four categories in terms of its level. Arrange them in decreasing level of involvement of number of people in the process
A. Interpersonal Communication B. Intra personal Communication C. Group Communication D. Mass Communication Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A, B, C, D
B,C, A, D
B,A,C, D
32. Which of the following are advantages of Mobile Library apps?
A. Storage and display B. Quality assurance C. Allow users to set preferences D. Compatibility E. Load contents faster Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
33. Webcasting is an example of
34. Match the List —I with List- II
List —I (Concept/Method) List —II (Explanation)
A. TQM Tools I. Book repair and binding, Digitalization lab, Cafeteria
B. Far end of the library II. Direct — Purchase of Periodicals
C. The agency method III. Newark charging system
D. John Cotton Dana IV. Pareto Analysis charts
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A- II, B- III C- IV, D-I
A- I, B- IV, C —III, D- II
A-IV, B-I, C- II, D- III
A- II, B- I, C- III, D- IV
35. "Treatment for cancer in India" arrange the concepts of this title using facet sequence formulas of Dr. S.R Ranganathan.
A. Treatment B. Medicine C. India D. Disease E. Cancer Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A, B, D, E, C
D,A, E, C, B
E, C, D, B,A
B, D, E,A,C
36. Arrange the following Web browsers based on their year of invention:
A. Netscape Navigator B. Mozilla Firefox C. Mosaic D. Google Chrome
1. C, A, B, D
2. A, B, D, C
3. B, A, C, D
4. A, B, C, D
37. The sources of information for the case study method includes:
A. Confessions B. Observations C. Life histories D. Opinion polling E. Interview of individuals Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
38. Arrange the sample size of population (N-100) according to degree of accuracy with 0.05, 0.035, 0.025, 0.01 and 0.00 respectively.
A. 80 B. 94 C. 89 D. 100 E. 99 Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
B,D, E, A, C
D, B, A, C, E
C, A, E, B, D
A,C, B, E, D
39. The following have major initiatives in enhancing education and academic library system in India. Arrange them in reverse chronological order of their foundation
A. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) B. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) C. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) D. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT Delhi) E. University Grants Commission (UGC) Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A, B, C,D,E
D,C, B, E, A
A, E, B,C, D
D, B, A, C, E
40. Which of the technology drives are not part of SMAC system?
41. Which of the following are true of Librarianship as a profession?
A. Needs a specialized knowledge B. Requires set of principles of professional ethics C. Information work is distinct from librarianship says Farradane D. Mainly an activity involving service against fee or fees E. The term information specialist does not include library professional Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
42. Arrange the steps used in POPSI in the logical sequence.
A. Content Analysis B. Alphabetisation C. Modulation D. Preparation of entries E. Formalisation Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A ;E, C ,D ; B
E, A, D, C, B
B,A, D; C, E
43. The word "Data" was originated from ____ word.
44. Match the List-I with List-ll:
List-I (Modes of formation of subjects)
List —II (Description)
A. Dissection
|. Construction by overlaying fact on facet
B. Lamination
Il. Connecting together two or more ideas
of same category
C. Denudation
Ill. Cutting a universe of entities into parts of co-ordinate status
D. Super- imposition
IV. Progressive decrease of the extension
and increase of the intension
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- IIl,B- I, C- IV, D-II
A-|, B-Il, C-Ill, D- IV
A-|l, B-III, C-l, D-IV
A-|IV, B-I, C-Ill, D-II
45. Match the List-l with List-ll
List-I (Information Package service)
List —II (contents)
A. Product Information Brochure
l. Is a study of the salient features of
products processes of competitors
B. Comparative product profile
Il. Provides the salient features of the
products relevant to the industries
C. Patent Information service
lll. Brings to the notice of the engineers the
latest inventions of products formally
D. Product focus
IV. Provides exhaustive information on
newly developed products of interest to the
industry organisation
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- IV, B-I, C-Ill, D-II
A-|, B-Il, C-IIl, D-IV
A-Il, B-1, C-IIl, D-IV
A-|ll, B-Il, C-IV, D- |
46. Which of the following are true in the context of Development Science Information System (DEVSIS)?
A. DEVSIS is related to the field of Science and Technology B. Devindex is the principal published product of DEVSIS C. DEVSIS publishes periodic compendia under the title Devprofile D. INFOPLAN, a Latin American Planning Information Network has founded some regional DEVSIS centre E. DEVSIS is a global decentralized mission-oriented information system. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
47. Acyclic recurrence of fundamental categories in the facet analysis of a subject is called:
48. Match the List —I with List-ll:
List-I (Technology) List-I (Function) A. Barcode Technology l. Is implemented through a federation of registration agencies to uniquely identify an object B. RFID ll. Includes tolerance of mis- orientation and obscuration C. Flickering Ill. Is allowing users to read information on the screen but not capture it by screen dumping D.DOI IV. Is used for identification, location and tracking of items Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- IV, B-II, C-IIl, D-I
A-ll, B-III, C-IV, D-I
A-|, B-IV, C-Ill, D-I
A-|V, B-II, C-l, D-III
49. Library pilgrimages are an example otf:
50. Which of the following are true of institutional source of information?
A. No exclusive referral centre has been operating in India B. Clearing house cannot be considered as an institutional source of information C. A major part of information needed by social science researcher can he provided by institutional source D. A significant number of journals are published by leamed societies E Institutional sources may also be called an informal source Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
51. Which of the following are true in connection with the Agricultural Network Information Centre (AgNIC)
A. AgNIC was started in 1973 B. National Agricultural Library of USA was involved as an alliance partner C. AgNIC has been renamed as AGRINDEX D. AgNIC has a web gateway providing immediate access to a cross-section of evaluated agriculture resources E. C B Pest database of occurrence and distribution of pesticides is available through AgNIC Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
52. Which of the following is an implication of the first law of library science?
53. Which of the following is a neo-conventional source of information?
54. Which of the following are related to INIS?
A. Membership is open only to inter-governmental organizations that deal with Nuclear research B. has its own International Nuclear Library Network C. INIS is multi-lingual in nature D. INIS was established in 1964 E. NUCLEUS is IAEA's information resource portal Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
55. Match the List- | with List- II
List- | (Role operators) List -II (Description) A.s I. Bound co- ordinate concept B.t ll. Two- way interaction C:T Ill. Role definer D.u IV. Author attributed action Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-l, B- Il, C- IV, D- III
A- Ill, B- IV, C-I, D-II
A-Il, B-III, C-l, D- IV
A- IV, B-I, C-Ill, D-II
56. Who coined the term "Invisible college" ?
57. Which of the following is not a limitation of chain indexing?
58. Match the List-I with List-ll. Match the following sections of RTI act, 2015 with the description
A. 4 I. Third party Inspection B. 11 II. Protection of action taken in good faith C.15 Ill. Obligation of authority D. 21 IV. Constitution of state Information Commission Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- |, B- Il, C-IIl, D-IV
A-|l, B-Ill, C-IV, D- |
A- Ill, B-l, C- IV, D-II
A-|IV, B-IIl, C-Il, D-|
59. 1 (one) nibble equals to how many bits?
60. MARC-21 record communication format comprises of:
A. Leader B. Directory C. Title D. Data Context E. Main Entry
61. Which of the following are promotional methods of marketing?
A. Mailshots B. Personal visits C. Newsletters D. Capacity Building E. Rehabilitation Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
62. In which year, Delhi Public Library had introduced the mobile service for readers?
63. The SPSS has three views namely:
A. Help view B. Data view C. Output view D. Variable view E. Input view Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
64. Which of the following is a Social Networking Service primarily used for non-social inter-personal communication?
65. Arrange the following steps of information literacy scope and sequence model in the logical sequence of their operation.
A. Find B. Assess C. Create D. Question E. Gather Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
D,A,E, C, B
B.A, D, C,E
66. n estimate of loss of a few stacks of a library that is made on the basis of thorough checking is known as
67. Which of the following are true for Resource Description Framework (RDF)?
A. RDF is a standard model for data interchange on the web B. XML syntax is allowed for RDF data model C. RDF cannot merge data D. RDF allows structured data only E. RDF extends the linking structure of the web to use URI Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
68. Match the List-l with List-ll:
List-I (Metrics)
List — (Term coined by)
A. Bibliometrics
|. Vassiy and Mulchenko
B. H-Index
Il. Almind and Ingwersen
C. Webometrics
IlI. Pritchard
D. Scientometrics
IV. J.E. Hirsh
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- I, B- Il, C-IV, D-III
A-Il, B-Ill, C-l, D-IV
A-IV, B-I, C-IIl, D-Ill
A-Ill, B-IV, C-Il, D-I
69. In early 1980s, the UCG established National Information Centres and Inter-University Centers to render reference and documentation services for promoting research in existing Institutes/Universities. Which of the following Universities had got inter university centre?
70. Which of the following hold good with databases?
A. CAS Registry is a factual database B. CAS react is a bibliographic database C. PubMed is a full text database D. ERIC is anumeric database E. SCOPUS is a citation database Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
71. Which of the following is a computer program used to search website content and index, over the internet?
72. A single schedule that lists all of the simple and compound subjects together with their ready- made class number is called?
73. Arrange the steps of performance appraisal in proper sequence.
A. Performance improvement planning B. Compensation and rewarding good performance C. Performance feedback and evaluation D. Potential appraisal E. Performance reviewing or progress review Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
E; G: B; D,A
D,C, A, B, E
74. Which of the following is not a digital library initiative?
75. Arrange the typical sections of a research paper in logical order:
A. Brief summary B. Statistical analysis C. Areas for future research D. Research procedure E. Objective of the study
C, A, B, E, D
76. The statistical test used to investigate the differences among the means of all the populations simultaneously is
77. Belkin is associated with:
78. With specific reference to the establishment year, arrange the following consortium in ascending order.
A. INDEST B. FORSA C. National Knowledge Research Consortium (NKRC) D. UGC-DAE Consortium Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A, B, C, D
B,D; A, C
D,B, A, C
79. Match the List- | with List-ll
List-1 (Source) List-Il (Editors) A. MC Graw Hill Dictionary of scientific and technical Terms, 1964 I. James Hastings B. ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science ,1963 ll. David R Sills C. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 1908-27 Ill. Cybil P Parker D. International Encyclopedia of Social Science, 1967 IV. Heartstill Young Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- IV, B-III, C-Il, D-I
A-IV, B-l, C-Ill, D-II
A-Ill, B-I, C-IV, D-II
A-IIl, B-IV, C-l, D-II
80. Which of the following are metadata harvesting service providers?
A. Udacity (http://www.udacity.com) B. Google Scholar (http://scholar/google.com) C. NCSTRL (http://www.ncstrl.org) D. NPTEL (http://www.nptl.iitm.ac.in) E. Search Digital Libraries (http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/sde) Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
81. The first ever library school in the world was started by?
82. Who coined the term "Infoshere" ?
83. Sequence the following Act enacted by the Government of India logically from the date of their first enactment.
A. The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act. B. The Patents Act C. The Designs Act D. The Trade and Merchandise Act Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A, B,C, D
B; C, D; A
84. Match the List-I with List-ll:
List-| (Departments of Industries)
List-Il (Purpose)
A. Small Industries Development
|. Receiving application for major
Organisation (SIDO) assistance, examining technical feasibility and economic viability
B. Small Industries Service Institute (SISI
ll. Coordinating overall policy, planning and
rendering assistance and advisory services
C. National Small Industries Corporation
| Ill. Providing techno- economic services,
(NISC) management and_ technical _ training
D. Small Entrepreneurs
IV. Infrastructure development and
assistance in implementation of programs
A-I, B-II, C-Ill, D-IV
A-Ill, B-IV, C- I, D- Il
A-Il, B-IIl, C-IV, D-I
A-IV, B-l, C-Il, D-II
85. Match the List-I with List-ll
List-I (Languages) List-Il (Examples) A. Logic Programming Language I. Prolog B. Front end programming language II. C# C. Back end programming Language III. C’SS D. Scripting Programming Language IV. Bash Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A- I, B- IV, C- Ill, D-II
A- I, B-Ill, C-Il, D-IV
A-Il, B-IV, C-III, D-I
A-Ill, B-I, C-Il, D-IV
86. SHERNI of Information and Library Network is the expert profile network system that:
87. Match the List-I with List-ll
List-I (E-Resource) List-II (types) A. Samarth I. Subject gateway B. LIS- FORUM II. Web portal C. Intute III. Bulletin Board D. CBBS IV. Discussion group Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A-Il, B-IV, C-I, D-III
A-Ill, B-I, C-ll, D-IV
A-Il, B-IV, C-Ill, D-I
A-IV, B-Ill, C-l, D-II
88. The term 'Reprography' was first introduced in: