Library and Information Science Glossary Starting with A
academic library | A library serving the information needs of students and staff of a university or similar institution |
academic-special library | An academic library specializing in a limited subject area—e.g., the medical library of a university’s medical
faculty |
acceptable use policy | Guidelines to control how library computers maybe used, especially to access the Internet—e.g., some libraries do not allow users to play games to be played, or send and receive email |
acceptance test | A final demonstration of new software or hardware that illustrates its capabilities and special features |
access | s To obtain information from an information agency or database |
access code | Also authorization code. Username and/or password that is typed by a user to gain access to a computer system, network, or database (e.g., student access to a university computer network) |
accession | To record the particulars of each item as it is received in a library |
accessioning | The process of acquiring and recording receipt of library materials |
accession number | The unique number is given to an item when recording its addition to the library |
accession record | 1. A record with details of the ordering and receipt of an item in a library.
2. A list of all the items added to a collection in the order in which they are added |
accessions | Additions to the library stock |
accessions list | A list showing additions to a library’s collection |
access point | Any part of a catalog or database record, or entry in a bibliography, that is used to find the item |
acid free paper | Also durable paper, permanent paper. Paper that is pH neutral, and will last longer than paper with acid content |
acidity | Presence of acid in printed material or containers, that causes the material to become brittle and eventually disintegrate |
acid paper | Paper with sufficient acid content to cause the paper to turn yellow and brittle over time |
acknowledgments, acknowledgments | That part of a book where the author recognizes the contributions others have made to the work |
acquisition number | The unique number that identifies an item in an acquisition record or file |
acquisition services | The section of a library concerned with ordering and receiving material. Usually part of technical services |
Acquisitions Section | AS. A section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services concerned with the acquisition of information resources in all types of institutions |
ACRL | Association of College and Research Libraries Other ACRL Awards to know Click Here |
Library and Information Science Glossary Starting with A |
Action for Development through Libraries Programme ALP | AnIFLA program to further the library profession, library institutions, and
library and information services in developing countries |
adapter | A person who rewrites another person’s work |
addendum | Matter included in a book after the type
has been set |
Adelaide del Frate Conference Sponsorship | An award to a library school student to attend an ALA Annual Conference |
adjustable shelving | A shelving system in which each shelf can be detached and moved up or down to house materials of different heights. Cf fixed shelving |
Advancement of Literacy Award | An annual ALA award to a publisher, bookseller, software dealer, or foundation for a significant
contribution to adult literacy |
AECT | Association for Educational Communications and Technology |
aggregator | A supplier of electronic journals and/or databases, enabling users to subscribe to a set of titles that are then usually accessed through the supplier’s website |
AILA | American Indian Library Association |
AIP | Association of Internet Professionals |
Alex Awards | Annual awards for books published for adults with potential appeal to teens |
algorithm | A mathematical or logical procedure for solving a problem, especially in a computer program |
ALIA | Australian Library and Information Association |
alias | A short form of an email address |
ALISE | Association for Library and Information Science Education |
aperture card | A card with one or more pieces of microfilm inserted in it |
ALMS | automated library management system |
almanac | 1. An annual calendar with astronomical information and other data.
2. A miscellany of useful facts and statistical information |
ALSC | Association for Library Service to Children |
AMICUS | S 1. Integrated library management software developed by the National Library of Canada.
2. Free online union catalog that includes the holdings of 1300 Canadian libraries including Library and Archives Canada |
amnesty | Waiving library fines in exchange for the return of overdue books |
analects | Parts of a literary work or group of works, literary gleanings |
archive | 1. A body of historical records of an organization. 2. Collection of computer files related to a particular subject, stored on a computer, disk, or tape |
Library and Information Science Glossary Starting with A |
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