Welcome to your Financial Management in Libraries Quiz
1. What is the recommended distance between the centers of two rows of shelves ?
2. Librarian serves as a ___ of the library committee.
3. Which of the following statements is correct?
4. An internal document that clearly states the essential job requirements, job duties, job responsibilities and skills required to perform a specific role is known as :
5. Which one of the following statements is correct?
6. LibQUAL+, a web-based survey tool for advanced measurement of data quality in library, is offered by ___.
7. Select the correct combinations:
a) Job Analysis – Process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities for a specific job.
b) Job Specifications – Statement of minimum acceptable qualifications/qualities required in the employee for effective performance of the job.
c) Job rotation – Movement of employee from one job to another job
d) Job Description – Systematic procedure that measures the relative importance and values of each job on the basis of skills needed, and duties and responsibilities associated with it.
8. Who developed the concept of Business Process Management (BPM)?
9. The concept of ‘Value Chain’ was developed by ___.
10. Which of the following are related with Library Stack Maintenance:
a) Dual Order b) Broken order c) Parallel arrangement d) Shelf list
11. Select the correct combinations:
a) Robert R. Blake – Leadership Theory b) Abraham Maslow – Motivation Theory c) John Maynard Keynes – Monetary Theory d) Douglas McGregor – Theory X and Y
12. Managerial Grid Model was developed by ___.
13. Which of the following are the management theories related to motivation?
a) Maslow Theory of Needs b) Drucker Theory c) McGregor Theory of X and Y d) Fayol Theory
14. Which of the following are the techniques of Total Quality Management (TQM)?
a) Quality circles b) Empowerment c) Bureaucratic setup d) Participative management
15. Arrange in sequence the steps involved in Browne Charging Procedure:
a) Stamping the date slip b) Identification of borrower c) Slipping the book card in reader’s ticket d) Arrange cards in juxta position
16. Select the correct combinations:
a) Day book system – Note down transactions b) Ledger system – One page per borrower c) One card – Each per book d) Two card system – Browne system
17. Which of the following concept are related to each other?
a) Unity of command b) Factor of planning c) Espirit de crops d) Management by Objectives
18. Select the correct combinations:
a) Elton Mayo – Human Relations School b) Henry Fayol – Classical Style of Management c) Abraham Maslow – Behavioural School d) F. W. Taylor – Scientific School
19. Who advocated the seven basic statistical tools for quality control?
20. Select the correct combinations:
a. Market segmentation – Category of users b. Consumer analysis – User behavior c. Market positioning – Prioritizing users d. Market program – Marketing mix
21. Select the correct combinations:
a. Standing order – For serial publications till cancellation b. Blanket order – For supply of institutional publications as and when published c. Firm order – Routine publications on order d. Approval order – For publications on recommendation
22. Which of the following are not Change Management Models?
a. Kurt Lewin’s Model b. Beer’s Model c. Lasswell’s Model d. Epidemic Model
23. Select the correct combinations:
a. Maurice B. Line – Academic Library Management b. David Baker – Resource Management in Academic Libraries c. Peter Brophy – The Academic Libraries d. K.D. Metcalf – Planning Academic and Research Library Building
24. When a library is planning for a new building project, which of the following technique|(s) is/are applicable to the plan and control the complex, long-term project?
a) PERT b) TQM c) CPM d) MBO
25. ‘To coordinate the activities of an organization and direct them towards previously established objectives’, is the purpose of __.
26. Select the correct combinations:
a) Information should be as accurate as possible – McColvin b) Get the best title on any subject but add mediocre that are well read – Drury c) Know the community’s character and interest – Haines d) Consider the duration as well as intensity of the demand – Broadus
27. Work study, standardized tools, selecting and training of workers are the contributions of ___.
28. The process of planning, allocating, organizing and evaluation library tasks and activities within the framework of major objectives, mission and policy refers to __.
29. Select the correct combinations:
a) Transaction Processing – Clerical staff b) Operation Control – Lower Level Managers c) Management Control – Middle Level Managers d) Strategic Planning – Top Level Managers
30. Select the correct combinations:
a) Budget prepared using previous period budget – Incremental Budget b) Budget based on norms and standards – Formula Budget c) Budget planned integrating number of techniques – Planning Programming Budgeting System d) Budget prepared identifying current tasks independent of previous year – Zero-based budget
31. Arrange the following steps of digital preservation in their sequential order:
a) Refreshing b) Encapsulation c) Emulation d) Data archiving
32. Identify from the following the Silver Halide process used in reprography:
a) Exposure b) Miniature c) Developing d) Rinsing
33. What are the copying methods based on Silver halide processes:
a) Photostat b) Microfilm c) Electrography d) Mimeography
34. The concept of ‘Microphotography’ was developed by ___.
35. Inference Engine is a part of ___.
36. Scaler chain in the context of Library management-deals with ___.
37. Who among the following was associated with the ‘Carrot and Stick Theory’ of Motivation?
38. Identify the correct elements of 'AIDA' model in Marketing Communication.
Attraction, Investigation, Direction and Action
Attention, Intuition, Desire, Acquisition
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
Abstract, Institution, Diversity, Action
39. Which of the following display racks are used to display print periodical publications?
a) Kardex b) Step type c) Pigeon hole type d) Inclined type
41. Book Selection Committee in the libraries is an example of __.
42. Which of the following guides are used in maintenance section of the library?
a) Gangway guides b) Shelf guides c) Tier guides d) User guides
43. A skillful method of providing means, mechanism and structural elements to streamline organizational work is known as:
44. Select the correct combinations:
a) Unity of command – Orders from only one person b) Unity of direction – One boss, one plan c) Esprit de corps – Strength in unity d) Division of work – Specialization
45. What are the following methods commonly used for periodicals record and maintenance in the libraries:
a) Ledger System b) Card System c) Three Card System d) KARDEX System
46. Name the various cards used in Three Card System for recording periodicals in the library:
47. KARDEX is used for __.
48. Bringing two thematically related but classificatory separated books together is called:
49. Collection Development principles are given by:
a) C. A. Cutter b) Melvil Dewey c) S. R. Ranganathan d) B. S. Kesavan
50. Who among the following have not contributed in the theory of book selection?
51. Drury Principles are related with which of the following?
52. Who stated ‘the best reading for the largest number at the least cost’?
53. ‘Demand Theory of Book Selection’ was propounded by __.
54. ‘Living with Book: The Art of Book Selection’ is written by __.
55. ‘Library Book Selection’ by S. R. Ranganathan first published in __.
56. Managerial Communication takes place:
57. Contingency model of leadership was developed by ___.
58. “A system is a set of entities – men, machines and material” defined by:
59. Concept of ‘Information feedback’ is found in ___.
60. ‘Time and cost’ factors are included in __.
61. ISO/TR 11219: 2012 is related to __.
62. Which of the following principles are associated with library building planning?
a) Principle of Uniformity b) Principle of Comfortability c) Principle of Simplicity d) Principle of Continuity
63. The premier institution for providing standards in India is __.
64. IS – 1553 Standard is related to ___.
65. The great library at Alexandra was destroyed by:
66. The Library of Congress was destroyed during the war in ___.
67. Which of the following is not an element in disaster plan?
68. The objective of disaster planning in libraries is to:
69. Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) was established in the year __.
70. Select the elements of Green Library Building from the following:
71. ‘Information Commons’ is located at __.
72. Choose the correct Answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Implementation of TQM in libraries is quite challenging
Reason (R): Some of the key essentials, like open and cooperative culture and employees responsiveness for customer’s satisfaction, required for successful implementation of TQM, are very much noticed in a library
73. Choose the correct Answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Management is the efficiency in climbing the ladder of success.Reason (R): Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning towards right wall.
74. Choose the Appropriate Answer in the light of following option:
Assertion (A): Stock verification is essential in the collection development for libraries
Reason (R): Stock verification is a time consuming process.
75. Choose the Appropriate Answer in the light of following option:
Assertion (A): Knowledge Organisation and Knowledge Management are the same.
Reason (R): Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) is designed for Knowledge Management.
76. Choose the Suitable Answer in the light of following revelations:
Assertion (A): The word ‘Reprography’ means reproduction of graphic materials, irrespective of whether they are handwritten, typed , printed and so on.
Reason (R): Librarians need to use this technology to provide multiple copies of users
on requisition.
77. Choose the Suitable Answer in the light of following Statements:
Assertion (A): Application of six sigma in library management is a quality programme that improves customers' experience and lowers costs.
Reason (R): Six phases of sigma are necessary in all library operations.
78. Choose the correct answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): A library needs to generate a satisfied customer base which is supportive of library programmes.
Reason (R): If a library's resources and services are measured upto customer's expectations, then repeat use cannot be ensured.
79. Choose the correct answer in the light of following options:
Assertion (A): Quality is not measured by confirmation to specifications, but by meeting users’ requirement.
Reason (R): The fulfilment of users’ requirements depends upon the professional attitude of the staff.
80. Choose the appropriate answer in the light of following options:
Assertion (A): Total quality in organization usually depends upon the skill and competency of library staff.
Reason (R): Quality management is an information-based management system where professional education alone helps the employee to take decisions judiciously.
81. Choose the appropriate answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Libraries must have a well defined collection development policy to make their collection balanced, rational and user-friendly.
Reason (R): Exponential growth of e-resources, their spiralling cost and decreasing budget of libraries have made consortium based system imminent.
82. Choose the relevant answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): There is no difference between knowledge management and information management.
Reason (R): Knowledge and information are sometimes used synonymously and inter changeably.
83. Choose the significant answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): If the library is to be automated, system analysis is not needed.
Reason (R): System analysis identifies the flow of work.
84. Choose the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): LOCKSS is a peer to peer preservation system based on the existence of multiple low cost persistent caches of e-journals, contents hosted at different institutions licensed to “own” such content.
Reason (R): Participating institutions cooperate through Membership in the LOCKSS Alliance which is a collaborative network based on the commercial software model.
85. Choose the suitable answer in the light of following options:
Assertion (A); Word of mouth is one of the promotion techniques which does not require any money to be spent if used for the promotion of LIS products and services.
Reason (R): Word of mouth technique is hardly used in libraries.
86. Choose the appropriate answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Marketing segmentation helps libraries in achieving their goals and objectives as it is easy to decide which type of library service is needed by which type of user.
Reason (R): Libraries do not do segmentation of their users to apply marketing strategy in promoting LIS products and services.
87. Pick an appropriate answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Knowledge Management is an extension of conventional library management.
Reason (R): Knowledge Management deals with elements like content, technology and culture.
88. Pick a suitable answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): Traditional Management process differs from the ‘Quality Management’.
Reason (R): ‘Quality Management’ focuses on ‘customer’ in the management process.
89. choose the correct answer according to the corresponding statements:
Assertion (A) : Performance Based Budgeting demands that the objectives and goals of agency be clear and performance measures and target to put in place.
Reason (R) : The key to success firmly rely upon its clear sense of mission and objectives which the funding agencies have proposed to reach them.
90. choose the appropriate answer according to the corresponding statements:
Assertion (A) : Effective methods of communicating in H.R. Management of libraries still remains elusive.
Reason (R) : The management do not have the needed direction of approach, precision of thoughts and their expression and empathy.
91. Pick up an appropriate answer according to the corresponding statements:
Assertion (A) : Micrographic services have lost acceptance for preservation and dissemination of archival material.
Reason (R): ICT has brought in cost effective alternatives and replaced micrographic services.
92. Pick up an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : The effective reprographic service in libraries indirectly demotivates the user for tearing/theft of reading material
Reason (R) : the user gets the photocopy of reading materials free of cost.
93. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : Book selection should be done judiciously.
Reason (R) : A library should acquire important and latest book selection tools.
94. Select the suitable answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A): TQM promotes the way in which a library is organised and perform its ICT functions.
Reason (R) : TQM is seen as a hindrance to library and information services.
95. Select the suitable answer according to the following options:
Assertion (A) : Many libraries have no written collection development policy and yet have sound collection.
Reason (R) : Demand driven collection plays a strong role in having a sound collection.
96. choose the correct answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Browne charging system is simple and less time consuming. Reason (R) : There is permanent issue record available.
97. choose the suitable answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Collection of audio materials is less used in Academic Libraries.
Reason (R) : People consider these materials intellectually less sound and fit only for recreation purpose.
98. choose the appropriate answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Introduction of TQM in libraries is not possible.
Reason (R) : It requires open, cooperative culture and employees responsiveness for customer satisfaction.
99. Select the appropriate answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Marketing of Information products is the need of the day.
Reason (R) : Information is a resource which consumes lot of time and money.
100. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : Though information is considered as a commodity, Libraries are not
sound in finances.
Reason (R) : All types of Libraries have failed in promoting information as a commodity.
101. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A): Extending the library’s reach through strategic partnership, collaborative relationship is an important goal for any academic library.
Reason (R): Partnerships do not allow participating organisations to yield efficiency.
102. Pick up an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A): Implementation of TQM in Libraries is quite challenging.
Reason (R): Some of the key essentials, like open and cooperative culture and employees responsiveness for customer’s satisfaction, required for successful implementation of TQM,
are very much noticed in a library.
103. Pick up an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A): Interlibrary loan departments in libraries will be affected in positive ways by the development of Massive Digital Libraries.
Reason (R): Because the increased availability of online resources will considerably reduce the need for sending books through traditional mail resulting in the decrease of the workloads of the inter-library loan departments.
104. Pick up the suitable answer in the light of following options:
Assertion (A): Libraries contribute to capacity building, which is essential to community development.
Reason (R): Library programmes and services can influence a person's desire for life-long learning, which is an important component of capacity building.
105. choose the appropriate answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): Management is the efficiency in climbing the ladder of success. Reason (R): Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning towards right wall.
106. choose the appropriate answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): Knowledge Management involves a number of assets and value added to them. Reason (R): Knowledge Management is the core activity of information transfer.
107. choose the appropriate answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): If changes cannot be adopted to its framework, the organisational equilibrium will be imbalanced.
Reason (R) : Organisation works in an environment which is marked by dynamic
108. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : There is need to continuous evaluation and appreciation of value of libraries. Reason (R) : There is economic pressure on public budget.
109. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : System analysis identifies the flow of work. Reason (R) : System analysis is not necessary if the library is automated.
110. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : Online services incur heavy investment at the initial stage. Reason (R) : Online services are costlier than print services.
111. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : Collection development must be done judiciously. Reason (R) : Demand is the only governing factor in book selection.
112. choose the suitable answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Performance measurement is necessary to support decision making in libraries and information centres.
Reason (R) : Right decision at a right time helps libraries and information centres to achieve goals.
113. choose the suitable answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Deacidification is a measure to preserve documents in any medium Reason (R) : Digital preservation needs a different preservation care.
114. choose the suitable answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): Para-professional staff supports the professional staff in Library routines.
Reason (R): Para-professional staffs acquire skill by experience.
115. choose the suitable answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A): ISO 9000 is a quality framework which calls for documentation to adopt TQM in a Library. Reason (R): ISO 9000 is a valuable component of TQM
116. choose the suitable answer according to the following options:
Assertion (A) : Stock verification is essential in the collection development for libraries.
Reason (R) : It is a time consuming process.
117. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : Organization chart can be a useful management tool.
Reason (R) : It gives clear picture of the formal lines of communication within the
118. choose the suitable answer according to the following options:
Assertion (A) : Now a days marketing of information products is necessity. Reason(R) : Information is an important source.
119. choose the suitable answer according to the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Book selection must be done judiciously. Reason(R) : Resource sharing is the need of the day.
120. choose the suitable answer according to the following statements:
Statement (A): Shelf register or shelf list shows the position of any books on the shelves.
Statement (B): Shelf list is nothing but a stock register.
121. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A) : TQM promotes continuous improvement in library services. Reason (R) : TQM is not helpful to library and information services.
122. Select an appropriate answer according to the corresponding options:
Assertion (A): Stock verification is essential in the collection development in Academic Libraries.
Reason (R): Stock verification is not a time consuming process.