Welcome to your Primary Secondary and Electronic Resources
1. Wikipedia was first launched in ___.
2. Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) was established in ___.
3. ERIC – Education Resources Information Center, an online digital library of education research and information is being published from:
4. Which of the following sources attempts to explain the literary terms and works?
5. ‘India Office Records and Private Papers’ is related to ___.
6. ‘Control Access Directional Type Sources’ were recognized by ___.
7. CUCOLIS (CUrrent COntents for Library and Information Science) is published by:
8. Who is the author of ‘Traite de Documentation’?
9. Path-finders are basically ____.
10. The first person who used the word ‘Bibliography’ in his ‘Bibliographic Parisiana’ was ___.
11. Who was the first editor of ‘Library Miscellany- a Quarterly Journal published from Baroda state:
12. The Journal ‘Modern Librarian’ was published from __.
13. ‘Indian Citation Index’ is being brought out by:
14. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) was started from the year __.
15. Which of the following is not an indexing tool?
16. Printed version of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) was discontinued since __.
17. Vocabulary in a database is controlled by ___.
a) Thesaurus files b) Dictionary files c) Standard files d) Authority files
18. ‘Tracer bullets’ are basically ___.
19. Report on the ‘Development of digital libraries of the past decade’ is categorized as:
20. Research scholars generally prefer ___.
21. ‘Tracer Bullets’ is produced by __.
22. A good open access resource for research report on life sciences is ___.
23. ‘Science Abstracts’ was first published in __.
24. MEDLARS was launched by ___.
25. When an abstract is oriented to serve a specific group, it is called:
26. The book ‘Indian Library Manifesto’ was published in 1990 by ___.
27. The coverage of which database is extensively in the field of Physics, Computer and Mechanical Engineering?
28. Which of the following is true about E-Journals?
29. ‘Index Translationum’ is a world bibliography of translations of ___.
30. With whom would you relate ‘Dissertation Abstracts International’?
31. Encyclopedia Americana is now published by ___.
32. The online version of the Encyclopedia Americana was first introduced in __.
33. Who wrote the book ‘An Introduction to Library Classification’?
34. Who is the author of the book ‘Organization of Knowledge in Libraries’?
35. ‘A detailed alphabetical list of topics, names of persons, places etc. mentioned in a book’ is called?
36. Which one is not a product of ProQuest?
37. METADEX – a bibliographical database covering literature on ___.
38. Ebrary – a database of scholarly e-books is available through:
39. Which of the following is an Indian news, information and shopping web portal?
40. An appropriate source to find out the descriptive information is ___.
41. Who are the publishers of ‘Year Book on Human Rights’?
42. For input preparation in the database, Bibliographic description course has been launched by:
43. Cumulative Book Index is published from:
44. Current Biography – a monthly magazine is published by:
45. The book ‘Introduction to Reference Work’ published in 1944 is written by ___.
46. The reference book ‘Introduction to Reference Work’ first published in 1969 was written by __.
47. ‘Basic Reference Sources: An Introduction to Materials and Methods’ was written by ___.
48. Which sources would you consult to know the “Impact Factor” of Journal publications?
a) Web of Science b) Science Direct c) SCOPUS d) EBSCO
49. Secondary sources of information cover:
a) Abstract b) Thesis c) Textbook d) Patents
50. ‘Essays of an Information Scientist’ is a work written by __.
51. The Indian Patent Advanced Search System (InPASS) was introduced in __.
52. Which one of the following is NOT a review type of publication?
53. Which is the first journal in the world, published in English language?
54. The serial publication ‘Cold Regions Technical Digest’ is published from which country?
55. Which of the following are Web-zine?
a) Email Magazine b) E-Conference c) Online Bulletin d) Electronic News Letter
56. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Abstracts (MAPA) is published by:
57. The system of publication of papers online soon after they have been accepted for publication and well ahead of their appearance in the printed journal is called:
58. What is CyberStacks(sm)?
59. ‘Abhilekh Patal’ portal is an initiative of __.
60. Presently Chemical Abstracts is available online under the name:
61. SciFinder provides access to __.
a) CAPlus b) CAS Registry c) CHEMLIST d) ChemSpider
62. Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provides:
63. The Science Direct database covers journals in the subject of __.
a) Physical sciences b) Life sciences c) Social sciences d) Humanities
64. Who publishes ‘World Index of Scientific Translations’?
65. National Index of Translations was a ___ publication of NISCAIR.
66. Translation Register Index (TR-I) is a publication of __.
67. Which one is the operating authority of ‘MathSciNet’?
68. Four Quadrant approach of the Indian version of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has been envisaged as the following four components:
(i) Online tutorial, (ii) Open content, (iii) e- Counsellor, (iv) e-Assessment
(i) Blended tutorial, (ii) AV content, (iii) Online resources, (iv) Online examination
(i) e-Tutorial, (ii) e-Content, (iii) Web Resources, (iv) Self-Assessment
(i) Interactive Simulation, (ii) AV content, (iii) Web resources, (iv) Self-assessment
69. Which among the following are the providers of MOOCs?
a) Coursera b) Udacity c) edX d) Groupon
70. Coursera- an online learning platform for providing Massive Open Online Courses was launched in ___.
71. Who among the following is associated with Udacity – a MOOC provider?
72. edX - a massive open online course (MOOC) provider was created by:
73. Roget’s International Thesaurus is a __.
74. Who is the author of ‘The Subject Approach to Information’?
75. The database EDOC deals with:
76. Statesman’s Yearbook is published annually since ___.
77. ‘Bowker Annual’ was first published in __.
78. ‘India Who’s Who’ is the publication of ___.
79. ‘Who’s who in India’, an irregular publication is published by __.
80. ‘Dictionary of National Biography’ is compiled by:
81. ‘The National Biographical Dictionary of India’ was first published in __.
82. Which of the following are called ‘Path finders’ to the literature?
a) Bibliography b) Catalogue c) Shelf List d) Indices and Abstracts
83. “World directory of sources of Patent Information” is published by:
84. ‘Library Technology Project (LTP) Reports’ are published by __.
86. The process of surrogating, repackaging and compaction of the primary literature that results in creation of secondary journals, is __.
87. Magazines are suitable for ___.
a) Leisure and entertainment b) Scholarly information c) Popular Information d) Subject Information
88. Select the correct combinations:
a) William Martin – Information society b) Alvin Toffler – The Third Wave c) Derek J De Solla Price –Little Science Big Science d) S. C. Bradford – Documentation
89. The publisher of “Information Power: Building Partnership for Learning” is __.
90. State of the art report generally highlights:
91. Historical/Government records related to an organization are maintained in __.
a) Archives b) Museums c) Repositories d) Government libraries
92. ‘Systematic Indexing’ written by J. Kaiser was first published in __.
93. ‘Subject Catalogue – Heading and Structure’ – is written by __.
94. Select the correct combinations:
a) Whitaker’s Almanack – Astronomical information b) Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory – Year of starting ‘Publishers Weekly’. c) National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India – Availability of Vol. 50 of ‘Library Journal’. d) Data India - Information on discontinuation of New Encyclopedia Britannica
95. Select the correct combinations:
a) I. S. Simpson – Basic Statistics for Libraries b) S. Halkett and J. Laing – Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain c) William A. Katz – Introduction to Reference Work d) K. D. Metcalf – Planning of Academic and Research Buildings
96. Which of the following are news summaries?
a) Data India b) Times of India Index c) New York Times Index d) Asian Recorder
97. Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) contains biography of prominent people of ___.
98. TKDL is developed and managed by:
99. Select the correct combinations:
a) Systematic Bibliography – Listing of items with minimum details b) Analytical or Critical Bibliography – Investigation of physical nature of books c) Historical Bibliography - Concerned with art of writing, printing and binding d) Documentary Bibliography – List of macro/micro ideas of articles
100. Select the correct combinations:
a) Enrolment of students in a university – Directory b) Weather of Denmark – Geographical source c) No. of foreigners visited World Book Fair in 2018 – Yearbook d) No. of hospitals in China – Statistical source