Welcome to your Library Institutional Resources LIS MCQ Proven 100
1. Select the correct combinations:
a) Yearbooks – Information about events of previous year b) Directory – A list of facts that contains as alphabetical index of names and addresses of persons and organizations c) Almanac – Annual publication listing a set of events forthcoming in next year d) Handbook – Contains instructions or advice about a particular subjects
2. Select the correct combinations:
a) Key to a given collection – Catalogue b) Key to literary sources on a subject – Bibliography c) Representation of subject concept – Index d) Condensation of document – Abstract
3. Which of the following are ‘Inclusive geographical sources’?
a) Maps b) Atlases c) Encyclopedias d) Yearbooks
4. ‘Library Literature and Information Science’ Index is now produced by __.
5. Arrange the following according to their year of first publication :
a) Encyclopedia Britannica b) Encyclopedia Americana c) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science d) McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
6. First edition of Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science was published in __.
7. Informatics, is a quarterly publication of ___.
8. Select the correct combinations:
a) Asian Recorder – Obituary of Devanand b) Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India – Location of specific volume of journal c) Books in Print - Availability of books d) Social Science Index – Articles on Green Revolution
9. Select the correct combinations:
a) Bibliography – Books b) Yearbook – Current information c) Dictionary – Words d) Biography – Persons
10. JSTOR is an online system for archiving and accessing academic journals. It is located in __.
11. Knowledge Lens — the monthly series on scientific and scholarly research is brought out by __.
12. Select the correct combinations:
a) Google scholar – Academic search engine b) Amazon – Book acquisition c) LIS-Forum – Mailing list for library professionals d) Worldcat – Bibliographic database
13. ‘ROMARIN’ is a database for searching of __.
14. Select the correct combinations:
a) INSPEC – Institute of Engineering and Technology b) SciFinder – American Chemical Society c) SCOPUS – Elsevier d) Web of Science – Clarivate Analytics
15. ‘Dimensions’ is a multidisciplinary database of __.
16. CrossRef was founded in __.
17. Microsoft Academic was launched in __.
18. Select the correct combinations:
a) J. D. Bernal – The Social Function of Science b) Thomas Kuhn – The Structure of Scientific Revolutions c) Derek J. de Solla Price – Little Science, Big Science d) Karl Pearson – The Grammar of Science
19. Select the correct combinations:
a) Science since Babylon – Derek de Solla Price b) Towards Paperless Information System – F. W. Lancaster c) The Third Wave – Alvin Toffler d) An Introduction to Library Science – Lee Pierce Butler
20. Select the correct combinations:
a) Ulrich’s on Disc – R. R. Bowker b) Serials Directory – EBSCO c) Standard Periodical Directory – Oxbridge communications d) Willings Press Guide – Thomas Skinner Directories
21. Willings Press Guide is now published by __.
22. Unasylva – a multilingual journal is brought out by __?
23. TEDDY is an annual publication of __?
24. Select the correct combinations:
a) K. Spark Jones, Peter Willet and Morgan Kaufmann – Readings in Information Retrieval b) Charles T. Meadow – Text Information Retrieval Systems c) Berthier Ribeiro-Neto and Ricardo Baeza- Yates – Modern Information Retrieval d) F. W. Lancaster and A. J. Warner –Information Retrieval Today
25. Select the correct combinations”
a) Adjustable Classification for Libraries – J. D. Brown. b) An Alternative Classification for Catholic Books – J. M. Lynn c) London Education Classification – D. J. Foskett and J. Foskett d) Classification of Library & Information Science – CRG
26. London Education Classification devised by D. J. Foskett and Joy Foskett in the year ___.
27. Select the correct combinations:
a) Aperture card – Microform b) Microscope slide – 3D Objects and Realia c) Relief model – Cartographic material d) Transparency – Graphic material
28. Select the correct combinations:
a) Manorama – Year book b) Universities Handbook (India) – Directory c) Roget’s Thesaurus – Dictionary d) NUCSSI – Bibliography
29. Select the correct combinations:
a) Knowledge Organization – Germany b) Library Herald – India c) The Electronic Library – United Kingdom d) Library Trends – USA
30. Knowledge Organization is a peer-reviewed academic journal of ___.
31. Select the correct combinations:
a) Wikipedia – Encyclopedia b) Library Philosophy and Practice – E-Journal c) E-Granthalaya – Software d) E-PG Pathshala – Academic source
32. Select the correct combinations:
a) Public Library Extension – L. R. McColvin b) Academic Library Management – Maurice B. Line c) University Libraries for Developing Countries – Morris A. Gelfand d) Planning Academic and Research Library Building – K. D. Metcalf
33. Which of the following are open access LIS Journals from India?
a) SRELS Journal of Information Management b) Annals of Library and Information Studies, NISCAIR c) Journal of Library and Information Science, DLIS, Delhi University d) DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology
34. Which of the following are considered as standard channels of scholarly communication?
a) Handbooks b) Wikis c) Working papers d) Research Report
35. Select the correct combinations:
a) Critical abstract – Evaluates the document b) Indicative abstract – Alerts the user with content of the document c) Informative abstract – Comprehensive description of the document d) Slanted abstract – Oriented to serve a specific group
36. Select the correct combinations:
a) Classification, Theoretical and Practical – E. C. Richardson b) A Manual of Classification – W. C. B. Sayers c) A Modern Outline of Library Classification – J. Mills d) Principles of Book Classification – E. W. Hulme
37. Ranganthan has classified documentary sources of information as:
a) Conventional b) Neo-Conventional c) Non-Conventional d) Meta Document
38. Documentary sources created directly without any human intervention are called:
39. Select the appropriate Neo-Conventional documentary sources as classified by Ranganathan:
a) Standards b) Microforms c) Maps d) Patents
40. Select the appropriate Non-Conventional documentary sources as classified by Ranganathan:
a) Audio-visuals b) Microforms c) Maps d) Periodicals
41. Grey Literature means:
42. ‘Embargo’ in the context of ‘Book Trade’ is:
a) A limitation on access, to older resources by the publishers b) Perpetual ban on the access of the given resources of a publisher c) A limitation on access to resources placed by publishers. d) A limitation on access to the resources usually to prevent the cancellation of individual subscription.
43. Select the correct combinations:
a) Look Smart – Web Directory b) TiARA – Web based Information Service c) Mamma – Web Search Engine d) BUBL LINK – Subject Gateway
44. Select the correct combinations:
a) ISI – Web of Science b) OCLC Inc. – Worldcat c) EDOC – Patent d) EMBASE – Bio-medical
45. A pre-print is a/an __.
46. The phrase ‘electronic book’ was first conceived by ___.
47. Which of the following sites are offered by Britannica Library, a product of Encyclopaedia Britannica?
a) Children b) Young Adult c) Patron d) Reference Centre
48. Which of the following databases are available for scientific community free of cost?
a) Inspec b) ERIC c) IEEE Xplore d) PubMed
49. Select the correct combinations:
a) J. H. Shera – The Foundations of Education for Librarianship b) Lee Pierce Butler – An Introduction to Library Science c) A. Broadfield – A Philosophy of Librarianship d) Library Power: A New Philosophy of Librarianship – James Thompson
50. Select the correct combinations:
a) Indian Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Database – Shodhganga b) Database of Indian Experts – Vidwan c) Indian Patent Database – Ekaswa d) Database of Indian Ancient Knowledge – TKDL
51. Select the correct combinations:
a) Annals of Library and Information Studies – NISCAIR, Delhi b) Journal of Information Management – S.R.E.L.S, Bangalore c) Herald of Library Science – P. N. Kaula Endowment, Lucknow d) Library Herald – Delhi Library Association
52. International Information, Communication and Education (INICAE)- a half yearly journal is published from __.
53. Select the correct combinations:
a) ProQuest – Summon Discovery Service b) Ex Libris – MetaLib c) OCLC – WorldShare d) Inmagic – Genie
54. Which of the following tools searches seamlessly across a wide range of local and remote content, provides relevance ranked results and has the ambitious goal of providing a single point entry into library’s collections?
55. ‘Glossaries’ are the essential tools to overcome __.
56. University News is a weekly journal of Association of Indian Universities published since __.
57. Economic & Political Weekly is published since 1949 by __.
58. Yojana journal is a publication of __.
59. ‘Pustakalya Bharti’ magazine is the quarterly publication of __.
60. Who among the following are the editors of ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 4th edition?
Science, 4th edition? a) Michael Levine-Clark b) Philip Babcock Gove c) Toni M. Carter d) L. M. Harrod
61. Which of the following is an appropriate attribute of ‘Ephemeral Literature’?
62. Which of the following is/are related to/associated with Open Access Initiatives:
a) Creative Commons b) DOAJ c) FOSS d) GNU
63. EKASWA – India’s first Patent database is hosted by ___.
64. ‘CiteSeerˣ’- a bibliographic database or public search engine is primarily related to:
65. ‘World Tables’ is a publication of __.
66. Select the correct combinations:
a) H. W. Wilson Co. – EBSCO Publishing b) University Microfilms International – ProQuest LLC c) Scarecrow Press – Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group d) Science Direct – Elsevier
67. Which of the following is an Indexing Service?
68. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): In collection development, pamphlets do not require frequent review like books and journals. Reason (R): Pamphlet’s information value is likely to be short lived, their physical format is usually flimsy and subject to rapid deterioration.
69. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): In Gold open access, costs are not transferred to authors. Reason (R): Gold open access journals publish peer reviewed articles without paid subscription barriers for their readers.
70. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Selection of e-resources requires utmost care and caution in order to make the same user-centric. Reason (R): Availability of seamless online products in the market coupled with abundant internet resources at no cost made the e- resources redundant.
71. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Reprint is one of the primary sources of information. Reason (R): It loses its importance once journal in which it has been published is received by the library.
72. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Subject Gateways are suitable for all types of users for finding their information. Reason (R): Subject Gateways are developed by subject and computer experts, and librarians.
73. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): All unabridged dictionaries provide word meaning, antonyms, synonyms and places, etc. Reason (R): All dictionaries provide information on antonyms and homonym, etc.
74. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Subject gateways are suitable for all types of users for finding their information. Reason (R): Subject gateways are developed by subject and computer experts.
75. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : All reference sources provide uptodate information in their respective categories. Reason (R) : As these are compiled from primary sources of information.
76. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : With quick and comprehensive availability of informative through internet resources, need for reference service with a human touch is decreasing. Reason (R): Internet resources can satisfy all types of information needs of information seekers.
77. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Scholar frequency to visit academic libraries has decreased tremendously over the period of last two decades. Reason (R): E-scholarly resources are easily accessible to everyone from anywhere anytime.
78. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Informative abstracts provide a concise summary of the subject content of an article. Reason (R) : These are title-oriented than finding-oriented.
79. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : E-publications have added enormous quantity of literature but adversely affected the quality of literature. Reason (R) : Present decade has accepted E- publication as channels of fast communication.
80. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Encyclopedias are not relevant for finding geographically information. Reason (R) : Encyclopedias are the substitute for all categories of reference sources.
81. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Collection of audio materials is less used in Academic Libraries. Reason (R) : People consider these materials intellectually less sound and fit only for recreation purpose.
82. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): The total output of Indian publications is reflected in ‘Indian National Bibliography’. Reason (R): A number of publishers in India are defaulters and do not deposit their publications as per Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act.
83. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Indexing and abstracting services fulfill the 4th Law of Library Science. Reason (R): These services serve as the substitute to the primary journals.
84. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : In the study of History, as an academic discipline, a primary source is an artefact, a document, a recording or other source of information that was created during the event or immediately after the event. Reason (R) : Primary sources are considered as original material or evidences about the topic and are fundamental to history.
85. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Indian National Bibliography is the most comprehensive source of Indian publications. Reason (R): National Library of Kolkata is entitled to receive one copy of each Indian publication under Delivery of Book Act.
86. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Users can have access to large number of e-journals. Reason (R) : Users are not aware of using e- journals.
87. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Primary sources provide most authentic information for research. Reason (R) : Primary sources are highly unorganised.
88. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Abstracting services facilitateliterature review. Reason (R) : Literature review summarises major findings of various studies.
89. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Primary Sources provide most authentic information for research. Reason (R) : Primary sources are highly unorganized as far as access is concerned.
90. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A):Present decade has accepted E- journals as channels of scholarly communications. Reason (R) : E-publications have added enormous quantity of literature but affected the Quality of research.
91. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : ‘Encyclopaedia is the queen of all reference sources’. Reason (R) : Encyclopaedias are more suitable for finding trend information.
92. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : LISA is a primary source of information. Reason (R) : All primary sources provide original information.
93. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A) : Primary source is one in which information is original. Reason (R) : Secondary sources repack the original information.
94. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Measuring the Internet and in particular the web is a difficult task. Reason (R): Web is considered as a new publishing medium with inadequate editorial process.
95. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Perpetual access to electronic content denotes warranty of online access forever without any further financial implications. Reason (R): Librarians should be careful on financial implications before signing arguments of perpetual access.
96. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Understanding of different sources of information and their structure is not important for LIS professionals in R&D Libraries. Reason (R): R&D Libraries generally use primary sources of information such as Journals, proceedings, patents, etc.
97. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): A Gazetteer is a geographical dictionary primarily used in conjunction with a map or atlas. Reason (R): A Gazetteer is also a Directory of Gazetted Officers under Govt. of India.
98. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Inclusion in DOAJ implies the quality of an open access journal. Reason (R): DOAJ is an Online Directory that indexes and provides access to open access and peer-reviewed journals.
99. Select the suitable answer in the light of following statements:
Assertion (A): Consortia subscriptions are not always beneficial to libraries. Reason (R): Libraries have to pay for the titles which are not core to them.
100. Assertion (A): ‘Big deal’ is a licensed package of journals that costs less to the subscriber. Reason (R): The package usually includes some less relevant titles.