Welcome to your Library Reference Sources LIS MCQ
1. Which among the following is the premier database of profiles of scientists, researchers and other faculty members working at academic institutions and other R&D labs in India?
2. ‘InfiStats’ is developed by __.
3. INFLIBNET initiative for “Integrated e-Content Portal: A Gateway to All Learners” is named as:
4. TOXLINE is a/an _____.
5. Journalseek is an ____.
6. Which of the following type of publication is/are included in the INB?
7. What type of bibliography is ‘Indian National Bibliography’?
8. Descriptive Bibliography is concerned with __.
9. First Computerized INB came out in ___.
10. What are the utility of INB:
a) Records the country’s Intellectual output b) Bibliographical data of 14 Languages of India including English brought under one roof c) A source of wide publicity for books and publishers d) Book selection tool for librarians and book sellers
11. Entries in INB are arranged according to __.
12. Index Indiana is a publication of ___.
13. Who is the current General Editor of INB?
14. ETD database in India is maintained by ___.
a) Shodhgangotri b) Vidyanidhi c) Shodhganga d) INDEST-AICTE consortium
15. Vidyanidhi – A National Programme of ETD in India, was started at __.
16. Which among the following is free Audio Book Site?
17. International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) consists of ___.
18. How many parts are there in 13 digit ISBN number?
19. International ISBN Agency is located at__.
20. The latest edition of ISBN Standard (ISO- 2108) published in __?
21. Which of the following are true about publication element of ISBN?
a) Variable Length b) Upto 5 digits c) Fixed length d) Upto 6 digits
22. Which national agency in India is assigning the ISBN?
23. A separate ISBN is allotted for each __. Select the wrong statement:
24. Which of the following publications does not require an ISBN?
a) Diaries b) Educational videos c) Books on CDs d) Calendars
25. Which of the following publications does not require an ISBN?
a) Maps b) Books on CDs c) Sound Recordings d) Pamphlets
26. Select the wrong statement:
27. Select the correct combinations:
a) Vidyanidhi – Electronic Theses and Dissertations b) TKDL – Digital Archive c) DOAJ – Digital Library of Journals d) E-Prints & IISc – Institutional Repository
28. Which national agency in India is assigning the ISSN?
29. The ISSN International Centre was officially created on 21st January 1976 in __.
30. Linking ISSN (ISSN-L) is defined in ISO Standard ___.
31. Which of the following cases require the application of a new ISSN?
32. In ISBN 978-0-670-08595-8, 670 stands for ___ group?
33. Books/Monographs published within a series can have ___.
34. ASIN contains how many characters __.
35. ‘Research-in- progress’ database in India is ___.
36. The online version of ‘McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology’ is __.
37. The most recent print edition of the ‘McGraw- Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology’ is __.
38. Which of the following is/are related to open access initiatives?
a) Creative Commons b) DOAJ c) FOSS d) GNU
39. Select the correct combinations:
a) Facts on File – News Digest b) World of Learning – Directory c) Concordance – Index d) Willing’s Press Guide – Periodical Directory
40. Select the correct combinations:
a) Encyclopedia of Associations – Directories b) Whitaker’s Almanac – Yearbooks c) LISA – Secondary sources d) Economic Times – Primary sources
41. Select the correct combinations:
a) Books in Print – Trade Bibliography b) INB – National Bibliography c) Asian Social Science Bibliography – Subject Bibliography d) Cumulative Book Index – National & Trade Bibliography
42. Select the correct combinations:
a) Dictionary – Words, Synonyms b) Glossary – Specific Subjects c) Thesaurus – Synonymous terms d) Lexicon – Foreign Language
43. Select the correct combinations:
a) Current Biography – USA b) Index Translationum – UNESCO c) VINITI – Russia d) Library Trends – University of Illinois
44. ‘Library Trends’ is published by __.
45. VINITI (All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information) was established in ___.
46. The process of surrogation, repackaging and compaction of primary literature that results in the creation of secondary journals is ___.
47. ‘Scitation’ is the online host service of __.
48. Poor ‘Accessibility’ and less ‘affordability’ of journal subscription in print era led to __.
a) High allocation of funds for serials b) Open access movement c) Decrease in subscription of journals d) E-Journal Consortia subscription
49. Science Direct database is developed by:
50. Which of the following journal is now been made available as open access journal?
51. INSPEC – a bibliographical database deals with:
52. Print counterparts of INSPEC database are:
a) Science Abstracts b) Physics Abstracts c) Information Technology Abstracts d) Computer and Control Abstracts
53. ‘Poole’s index to Periodical Literature’ was brought out by _.
54. ‘Walford’s Guide to Reference Material’ is published by ___.
55. Webform is used in __.
57. Manupatra is a database of __.
58. ‘Worldcat’ is maintained by ___.
59. Which among the following is a multi-subject gateway?
60. ‘Humbul Humanities Hub’- an online subject gateway on humanities based at __.
61. Intute – a free web service aimed at students, teachers and researchers in UK was stopped working since ___.
62. Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG), UK, became operational in __.
63. Which among the following are Social Science Information Gateways?
a) RUDI b) SocioSite c) SOSIG d) SSRN
64. Arrange the following secondary sources according to the beginning of their publication in chronological order:
a) Biological Abstracts b) Chemical Abstracts c) LISA d) Index Medicus
65. SIGIT stands for ___.
66. Chemical Abstracts ceased its print publication in ___.
67. An indispensable function of Thesaurus is to:
a) Knowledge classification b) Grouping of words together according to similarity of meaning c) Representation of Relationship between concepts d) Knowledge engineering
68. Biological Abstracts database is produced by:
69. Biographical database of Indian Scientists is a product of __.
70. The ‘Study abroad’ is a/an __.
71. Library Herald is published from __.
72. Who among the following served as the chief editor of ‘Library Herald’?
73. Which of the following terms best describes data that were originally collected at an earlier time by a different person for a different purpose?
74. Abstracts in print version of LISA are arranged according to:
75. Which of the following is not a primary source?
76. Which of the following journals is available only in electronic form?
77. Arrange the following journals according to the year of their first publication:
a) Engineering Index, New York b) Humanities Index, New York c) Index Medicus, Bethesda d) Agrindex, Rome
78. COMPENDEX is an engineering bibliographic database published by __.
79. Arrange the following in the ascending order of their first year of publication:
a) BNB b) INB c) Compendex d) Roget’s Thesaurus of English words
80. AGRIS (International System for Agricultural Science and Technology) is a global database of agricultural information started functioning since:
81. AGRIS 2.0 was released on ___.
82. Which among the following indexing tools are used in AGRIS database?
83. Humanities Index is published by ___.
84. Library Information Science Technology Abstracts (LISTA) is available through:
85. ‘Facts on File’ is published by __
86. ‘Facts on File’ can be grouped under __.
87. Which of the following is regarded as supplement to all types of reference sources?
88. National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India (NUCSSI) is the database of __.
89. Which among the following are the products of NASSDOC?
a) Union Catalogue of Social Science Periodicals and Serials in India b) Union Catalogue of CD-ROM databases in Social Science Libraries in India c) Directory of Social Science Libraries and Information Centre in India d) Directory of Social Science Research and Training Institutions in India
90. National Register of Social Scientists in India is compiled by __.
91. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (DJLIT) is published as __.
92. SRELS Journal of Information Management was founded by __.
93. ‘Encyclopedia Britannica’ ceased its print publication in the year __.
94. ‘Encyclopedia Britannica’ is published from _.
95. Encyclopedia Britannica was first published in how many volumes?
96. The database ‘Indian Patents’ is published by:
97. ‘African Recorder’ is which type of publication?
98. The book ‘The Measurement and Evaluation of Library Services’ is written by:
99. What is the frequency of LISA (Print Version)?
100. Keesing’s Record of World Events is a __.