"Hello Users, We offer Special Notes for UGC NET, DSSSB, PSSSB, RSMSSB, RPSSB, KVS NVS, and All State Librarian Exams. Our notes are available in both objective and subjective formats, prepared according to the latest patterns. You can purchase them from our website. If you have any queries, please contact us at billadhulka@gmail.com. Best Regards
Librarian Exam Patna High Court Sol. Question Proven 99
Steps to Attempt this Librarian Exam Patna High Court Quiz
The total number of questions is 100 .
Every question given four options, one is right and three others are wrong answers.
Choose the correct option and solve each question.
The submit button is below the last question, after attempting all questions please click on the submit button.
The final result is shown on the next page display screen, check your answers.
If any query regarding this quiz, Please comment on it.
The Computer Based Examination for selection/ appointment of Librarian in Patna
High Court was conducted on 22nd September 2019 in a single shift at iON Digital Zone,
Patliputra Industrial Area, Patna.
{ਰੱਬ ਦੀ ਮਿਹਰ ਨਾਲ}
Working as a Librarian at Guru Nanak College, Punjab
Punjabi Singer (Shabadgar)
1. Website Developer (any field)
2. Digital Marketing Expert
3. Library Software (all Software's) Installation Guide and Helper (KOHA) Data Migration, Server, etc.
4. Online Library Catalouge Creator (free of cost)
6. UGC NET Material Provider Free of Cost
7. Security Analyser (Websites)
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