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Shaheed Rajguru College Jobs Proven Professional and Semi-Professional Assistant 2024

Shaheed Rajguru College Jobs Proven Professional and Semi-Professional Assistant 2024

Shaheed Rajguru College Jobs

Shaheed Rajguru College Jobs


Applications are invited by email at recruitment.nt@raiguru.du.ac.in for appointment on Short Term Contract basis for the following posts. The applicants need to submit latest brief curriculum vitae/bio data giving all details such as NAME OF POST APPLIED FOR, Name, Father’s name, Address, qualifications, category, date of birth, experience, contact number, email id etc. While applying candidates must ensure that information provided in CV is correct. The appointment shall be purely on contractual basis for a period of six months.

Name of the PostNo. of PostAge LimitSalary Per Month
Professional Assistant01 UR35 YearsBasic pay of INR 35400/- plus dearness allowance as applicable from time to time
Semi-Professional Assistant02 UR30 YearsBasic pay of INR 29200/- plus dearness allowance as applicable from time to time

Qualifications Required


Name of the PostEssential Qualifications
Professional Assistanta. M. Lib.Sc./M.L.I. Sc. or equivalent OR Master’s Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline and B. Lib. Sc./B.L.I.Sc.
b. Computer  Science paper at Graduate/PG level or Six months Computer Science course from a recognized/registered institution.
Semi-Professional Assistant1. Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline OR any other higher qualification.
2. B. Lib. Sc./B.L.I. Sc.
3. Course in computer application at Graduate or PG level or 6 months Computer course from a recognized/registered institution.

For more details, you can view the Shaheed Rajguru College Jobs Job Vacancy PDF.

Selection Criteria: Interested candidates fulfilling essential qualification should apply by email at recruitment.nt@raiguru.du.ac.in along with Certificates in support of qualifications and experience. The last date of receiving application is 25-09-2024.

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